Ch. 12 - Assumptions & Emotions

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I lowered my wing over both kittens, letting them suckle gently at my belly. "That's it, drink up my babies." I murmured, casting my gaze to my sleeping mate. It was around midnight, and both kittens had woken me up, of course though, Shade could do nothing if he had woken up, because the bottles of milk we do have are empty because he said he'd fill them up tomorrow. I whimpered quietly, because I was so very tired.

I sighed and let my eyes droop, but every time I almost fell back to sleep, I'd feel that nip and get startled awake again. "Shade." I whispered, nudging him. "Baby, wake up. Please, I need you." I croaked hoarsely, which woke him up this time. He turned over slightly and ran his muzzle over my neck, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He utters worriedly, sitting up and glancing around protectively. I pressed myself to him, "Snowy and Tobias, they're suckling and I can't get to sleep." I sniffled and he gazed at me with pity, "I'm so tired." I whimpered, hiccuping. These stupid emotions! I thought angrily.

Shade licked my cheeks lovingly, trying desperately to make me not cry. He peered down between us, where our kits were. I lifted my wing and drew back slightly. Tobias began to cry again, but Snowy was just sleeping now. I allowed Shade to fill all the bottles up with milk, and then he crooned to Tobias, rocking him and feeding him my milk via bottle. The tiny tom soon fell asleep like Snowy, and Shade settled them on their warm mossy patch behind us, nearer the back of the cave. He covered them with the small blanket Mrs Weasley had given me, then we both shifted and cuddled up.

Shade kissed my forehead, humming a gentle lullaby to lull me to sleep. "Shh, shh, sleep now my love. Get all the sleep you need." He whispered lovingly. I was fast asleep in a blink, my hands clutching at his hands tightly, "Love... you..." Was all I got out before I fell deep.


I yawned, stretching out widely and curling in on myself, but I was halted my very yummy smelling mate who happened to be stroking my hair and rocking me. "Good morning, babe." I smiled, reaching up to brush my fingertips along his slight stubble. He chuckled at me, kissing my head, "Good afternoon, Shadow." My lips parted slightly. Was I really asleep for that long? I asked myself as I sat up. Shade pushed me back down slowly, "Take it easy. You remember last night, right?" He muttered. I nodded, clutching at his shirt and cuddling him tightly. "Mhm."

He sighed and picked me up like a baby monkey. I kissed his neck, but then I couldn't help myself so I did it more and he growled at me, "Shadow. No." He tapped my bottom and I nuzzled his chin, purring softly. "I love you." I mumbled, and he shook his head, bouncing me lightly. "I know baby. I love you too." He kissed my lips softly and I dropped from his arms, standing on my own. We pulled away from one another and glanced at our kittens. Tobias was playing with Snowy's tail and Snowy was growling at him lowly, but they were only playing - I could tell from the look in their eyes, which was happy and content.

"You have a letter." Shade said, handing me an envelope. I kissed his cheek and smirked, walking out the cave. He slapped my butt and I squeaked, but he captured me outside and growled softly, "Call that a kiss?" He purred. I felt his lips against mine again and ran my hand through his hair, but when I heard an awkward cough from a few meters away, my cheeks flushed and I pulled away. Shade slapped my butt again, winking at me, then he shifted and disappeared with a patrol.

Lupin was standing not too far from me, and I walked slowly over to him. "Hey Lupin, what's bothering you?" I asked, chuckling at Blossom's kittens who were already barreling into my cave to get Snowy and Tobias. Some more of the clan's kits bounded out of their caves and the nursery, mewling and squeaking around our feet. Lupin smiled faintly, but he looked ragged and tired. "I hear talk, and books mention it too, that Claw Healers use a herb called 'tutus'. It's-"

"Latin for 'safe', right? Yeah, Sara should have some, why?" I questioned, stretching my arms upwards and crouching down to stroke some of the kittens. They purred and mewed, sometimes nipping at my fingers and giggling. Lupin ran a hand through his ruffled hair and I frowned, "It's said that this herb can help with, you know... transformations-"

"Say no more. Follow me." I smiled sympathetically and lead him to Sara, the Healer. He patted my shoulder, "Thank you, Shadow. I know this is a big favour." He smiled again. I shook my head, "No, no. But be careful with this herb, Sara can tell you all about it, more than I can, but I'm pretty sure it's sap is quite addictive." He nodded, a large yawn coming from his mouth. I didn't want to pity him because pity was such a horrible thing, but I did. I felt very much for Lupin. "Is it for James too?" I mumbled. He looked to me, and gave a small nod, "I'm afraid so."

Sara padded up to us, the tutus in her jaws. I took it from her and handed it to Lupin, "I have a bit of business right now, so I'll leave you two. Stick around if you so wish. You're welcome here." I said softly, before I walked away to find Nova.

Of course, I found her in the clearing, whining to Hawthorne that he didn't always need to be at her side. I sat beside him, "Hey, Nova. I got another letter from Jenny." She paused her argument and purred, "Oh okay. Open it then."

I unfolded the paper, but what I didn't expect was the one sentence written on it. There were slightly damp patches too, that smelled slightly salty - tears. Jenny had obviously learnt something she did not want to know, or want to believe.

It said this exactly, no more, no less:

Harry thinks Draco's a Death Eater.

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