Ch. 10 - Salem & Borgin

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Rushing up to Millie, I threw my hands around her and Snowy. "Oh, my baby Snowy! Thank you, Millie. Thank you!" She patted my back, smiling and passing my wailing daughter back to me. Salem made a groaning noise, but Millie kicked him in the head and he passed out again. We stood up, and George caught Millie as she swayed slightly, her hand on her head; he frowned and felt her temperature. "You're exhausted, Millie. Let's get you back to bed." George picked her up bridal style, a small yelp leaving her lips. Fred wiggled his eyebrows immaturely, and followed them back.

I yelled out, "Hey! What about Salem?" Fred nodded, "Yeah, alright. I'll put him in one of the closed shops." He scooped the unconscious male onto his shoulder and we all walked back to the front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Snowy wriggled about, but I hushed her, soothing her fears and cradling her warmly in my arms. "I owe you three. Thank you for saving Snowy." I muttered. They gave a small nod, smiling, before I turned to find Nova.

I found her with Hawthorne, funnily enough, standing beside Mr and Mrs Weasley. She was complaining to him, while he scolded her for not being careful. I paused as I saw Shade. His eyes flittered to me, and his jaw ticked slightly as he made a beeline towards me. I clutched Snowy to my chest, but she had already seen her father and began to cry again, reaching out to him. Shade wrapped his muscular arms tightly around me, resting his forehead against mine, our noses touching. "Nova told me what happened. Are you two alright?" He glanced at Snowy, kissing her head. Snowy sniffled and cuddled her father, mewling quietly. I nodded, "Yeah... You could've told me Salem escaped." I pulled back slightly, and he sighed, "I didn't want you to worry. Where is he now?" Shade muttered softly. I shrugged, "Fred dropped him in some abandoned shop."

Nova slapped Hawthorne suddenly and I giggled, "What was that for?" He whined, clutching his cheek. "For letting Shade protect the school." Then she kissed him, "And that too."

I did the same, except I kissed Shade's cheek, because Snowy was pawing his lips with high-pitched giggles. "Mmm. I have to get back home, babe. See you soon." He winked at me, then him and Hawthorne jogged off, meeting up with a large group of Claw warriors further down the alley. "I really hate him." Nova grumbled. I shook my head, chuckling. "You love him." She sighed dreamily, "Yeah. I suppose."

We wandered over to Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Jenny and, surprisingly, James too. Snowy made a little movement, then yawned and suddenly fell asleep on my shoulder, making small whistling noises through her nose. The guys gave me and Nova looks, as if they wanted to tell us something, but Jenny hushed them and gave me a signal that said 'I'll tell you later'.

James met up with a group, who I recognized as Lupin and the rest of James' family. "Can I go back to The Burrow with Shadow and Jenny?" He whined. Lupin made a small motion and I came forward, "I'm not actually going back to The Burrow. I have to head back with Nova." I uttered softly. He smiled faintly at me and Snowy, who had awoken but fallen straight back asleep. "Not today, James. Come on, all of you. James, where's Millie?"

I coughed slightly, "George took her back to The Burrow. She sav- um, she felt ill so he volunteered to take her back. I'm sure that won't be a problem?" James made a little noise but shook his head, "I need Millie." He pouted, and I sighed. "I'll tell George to Floo Powder her back home." Lupin chuckled, "Much appreciated. Thank you, Shadow."

Nova called to me, "Shadow! Let's get going!" I said my farewell's and walked back to my friend, thanked Mrs Weasley, then made our way back through Diagon Alley to get back home to Shade and Hawthorne.


Nova and Hawthorne were laying together in the sun, basking in the warmth that it shed on them both. Shade and I were nearby, us too sharing warmth. He was curled around my pelt, his head resting on my neck, while I purred and watched Snowy leap around playfully with Blossom's kits - another mother, an Air Claw, with five adorable kittens. Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald, Onyx.

"You're so beautiful." Shade mumbled. I licked his cheek, "I know."

An owl swooped above and dropped a letter at my paws. Shade sniffed it, then gave me a nod as if to say it wasn't dangerous. I ripped it carefully open with one claw, nudging the paper open and reading the letter.

Dear Shadow,

When we couldn't find you in Diagon Alley, Ron, Harry, Hermione and I followed Malfoy to Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley. He reserved something and we don't know what it was, but we have a feeling that he's doing something with Death Eaters.

I don't know Shadow... it's not normal. He looked like he was sneaking around as well. Hermione went in and tried to find out, but he'd sworn an oath not to tell and kicked her out; Draco has a piece of information that Borgin doesn't want shared. He threatened him or something. I can't say much more, because I have to go.I'll see you around. Lupin said he might let James pop over to you, and he's let Millie stay at The Burrow with George for the rest of the holidays, but she has to come home at night because James needs her.

I feel bad for him. I don't think he's taken Sirius' death too well - then again, none of us did. I'll speak later.

From Jenny.

I sighed softly and pushed the letter away slightly. I felt Shade whisper a few soothing words in my ear and I pressed my head to his chin; he licked my cheek and called over Snowy. She mewled in complaint, but obeyed like a good kitten, toddling up gradually and giving her father a few loving licks before cuddling up to his paws. "Yes, daddy?" She asked innocently. He gazed down warmly at his daughter, and it made my heart beat for both of them, a touching moment. "Can you tell your mother how amazing she is?" He nuzzled her and she nodded, beaming. "Mummy, you are da best in all da world and I wuv you forever, and you gives me lots of wuv back and feeds me and cares for me and takes cares of daddy, and I wuv daddy too, so don't leave him cause I wuv him and I wuv you too." She licked my face lots of times and I purred deeply.

A warrior suddenly interrupts our moment and I growled darkly, flashing my teeth. The Claw is unperturbed though, and faces us sternly. "There's a basket, Alphas, from another Clan across the seas, in Russia."

Shade frowned, "We weren't expecting anything from them, were we?" He uttered. I shook my head, "What is it?" I nudged Snowy away to go back to play with her friends.

The warrior looked slightly nervous at that point. "It's... it's a kitten."

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