Ch. 23 - Suspicious Activity

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If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before 31st August, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition Instructor.

Please sign below if you would like to participate.

Cost: 12 Galleons.

"You gonna do it?" Jenny asked me in the morning of the new term. I stretched out like a cat, then slipped my gaze over the notice on the board. My eyes narrowed, but I nodded with a wide yawn, "Might as well. Flying can't get me everywhere." I smirked slyly, swaying over to Shade, who was at his post by the Slytherin common-room door. Tobias and Snowy slept soundly beside him - we had decided they would be allowed to return, just in case they got themselves into trouble again. He raised an eyebrow at me, folding his arms as I leant on one hip in front of him. I cocked my head, folding my own arms over my chest, biting my lip when my chest rose slightly and Shade's eyes darted downwards, a lusty expression swirling inside them. "Do you think I should take Apparition lessons?" I questioned. He didn't know what Apparating was, I guessed, and so he just shrugged and pulled me closer. "If it's safe."

"It ain't safe, that's for sure." James mumbled through a mouthful of blood lollipop as he passed, leaping through the Slytherin door. I scowled. Shade just chuckled.

I signed my name after Jenny, noticing James had put his down too. I sighed, shaking my head with a slight smirk.

The whole day, Apparition was all anybody would talk about, and though it did get on my nerves various times, my kits were always butting in and asking as many questions as they could. Their eager minds impressed me, though I dreaded the day they would learn they were not magical - at least, I didn't think they were. Nobody knew of Tobias' bloodline, but Snowy had a witch, myself, as her mother, and perhaps that had passed down.


We left for breakfast the next morning, Shade travelling behind us with our kits following excitedly. He was stationed just inside the Great Hall at certain times, on Dumbledore's orders. It matched my schedule, and I think both of the, had something to do with that. Still, I settled on the Slytherin table, turning abruptly when Hermione leaned back and tapped me. "Know anything about a Horcrux? Harry went to Dumbledore again last night." She looked rather concerned, but I scanned my mind anyway without questioning it.

"A Horcrux? Hm, no, I don't believe I have, Hermione." I answered honestly. She sighed, thanked me, then went back to talking with Ron and Harry. Jenny made an uncomfortable shuffle, then got up, "I-I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back." She spluttered out, racing from the Great Hall in such a hurry. She can't have need the toilet that badly? She was fine a moment ago...

Draco Malfoy got up a small while after, and I casually questioned as to where he was headed. He glowered at me and told me to stop screwing in his business, then hurried away, seemingly after Jenny. Crabbe and Goyle, nearby, shuffled and narrowed their eyes after their friend. I folded my arms, and James scowled after the platinum-haired boy. "They're acting strange. You think they're back together?" He asked curiously, watching me intently as if I knew something he didn't.

I went over everything. "They haven't spoken for months. They can't be back together, James, it's... illogical. Perhaps Draco is trying her patience." It was unlike me to have an uncertain answer, but I think it was the right decision to assume the best, since there couldn't be anything else going on.

Could there?

Jenny's POV

I splashed water on my face, glad that Moaning Myrtle was out exploring the Boys' Prefect room. My breathe hitched as Draco entered, pushing me right up against the cool walls of the bathroom. I was hot and flustered, but the contrasting temperature at my back sent prickles up my neck. "I can barely take it. Lying to Shadow and James... it's hurting me, Draco." He took it that I was talking about the mark, so he dropped to one knee and rolled up my arm sleeve, kissing the pale, white markings.

"Draco, why must we keep this a secret?" I choked on a sob. He sighed, standing once more and wrapping me in his embrace. "Crabbe and Goyle are suspicious. If they find out, they'll tear us apart. They'll tell... him." His eyes turned watery, so I kissed his eyelids. He brought me down for a sensual kiss, and a moan elicited from my mouth. Such a strange, passionate sound I was not familiar with as of yet. "Beautiful." He swept my hair from my eyes, then kissed me again.

His tongue invaded my mouth, and I felt instinct take its toll. I gripped at his shoulders and his soft hair, while he trailed a hand over my breasts, to my waist, the other tangled in my thick, smooth locks. "Draco." Moaning his name, oh how I loved it.

There was a dark, robed flash suddenly and I pushed him away, composing myself as Professor Snape entered the room, a slight glare upon his features - those beady eyes, that hooked nose... I shivered, remembering how cold the bathroom was, now that Draco was no longer pressed against my body. Draco stepped forward, "Sir, I was comforting Jenny. She had a stomach pain." He flushed slightly as he realised he was referring to periods. I bit my lip, but Snape seemed to buy it. He was suspiciously believing these days, I thought silently. "You should have come to me. A female's monthly pain is nothing to be ashamed of."

At least he was open. My thought made me snort slightly, so I slapped my hand over my mouth. Snape raised an eyebrow, "Is something funny, Miss Potter?" He cocked his head and I rapidly shook my head. "N-no sir, not at all. I-it's my hormones." I spluttered out a reply, and again, he seemed to buy it. "Well then, notify me when you next have one of these... moments, Miss Potter." And he was gone.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, but Draco pushed me back up against the wall again. "I'm not finished." He uttered out.

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