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Regina's pov

I threw on my leather jacket before running to the bathroom to do my eyeliner. Calum and Rose were on their way to pick Zayn and I up to spend the weekend with them. As usual, I was rushing to do my makeup because I couldn't choose between wearing a band shirt, a flannel or a top with my leather jacket. I ended up choosing the latter and paired it off with winged eyeliner and converse.

"Are you ready yet?!"Zayn yelled up the stairs.

"No! I'm doing my eyeliner I'll be right down!"I yelled back.

"It'd take less time if you wouldn't wear it so damn much!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes before looking at myself in the mirror, making sure I didn't mess it up.

Zayn always hated the amount of eyeliner I wore. He calls it scary goth but I call it awesome punk. There really isn't any arguing with my logic. I dumped all the makeup I needed into my handbag and ran into my room for the bag with my clothes. I grabbed it and went running down the stairs.

"I'm here."I said out of breath from running around upstairs.

"Finally."Zayn sighed.

"Stop acting like I never had to wait for you to do your hair before."I smiled.

"That was one time."he said in defense. I laughed at him putting the bag on the coffee table. "I was just trying a style Harry mentioned."

"You seem to be talking about Harry more than ever these days."I said with my smile fading, remembering the infamous Harry Styles. "How come?"

"No reason, we just hang out more. Why do you ask?"

"Just seeing what he did to Rose I didn't think you would even consider talking to him, let alone talking about him."

"Why would I stop talking to him for that Regina?"

"Zayn he changed for the worse not the better. Does it even bother you that you're still friends with the bastard? He hurt your sister."

"No he hurt your sister. She's barely even your sister, you two are just related by adoption. She's just a whore either ways. Plus she stepped out of line."

I stared at him in utter shock. How could he say such a thing? Call his own sister a whore then agree with the person that physically and verbally abused her. I get the fact that both of them don't have the best relationship but I thought he had gotten over it because we were married. I was unable to say a word, I couldn't believe that he would agree to something as vile and as sinister as that.

"Stepped out of line? Zayn he beat her! How could you agree to that?! Have you lost it?!"I yelled losing my patience.

"I'm just stating the obvious Regina!"he yelled back.

"Oh so I suppose you wouldn't mind doing the same to me to then, if I were to 'step out of line'!"I air-quoting the last phrase.

"If I had to yeah I would!" he screamed.

"I can't believe you." I muttered. He tried to step closer but I pushed him away. "No get away from me!"I yelled. I didn't want someone like that touching me let alone being near to me.

He ignored what I said and came closer grabbing me. "Stop it!" he yelled. I went pale with fear. "I might as well start now,seeing that you've decided to be a bitch."

He was about to slap me across the face when we heard Calum pull up. Zayn threw me to the side and went to look out the window. I dragged myself to the corner of the room and pulled my knees up to my chest. I was in shock of what had just happened. He was about to hit me. I couldn't fathom why he would ever do something like that. Ever since we got married he never did something that bad. It was completely unexpected.

He left the window and approached me telling me that if I said a word to Cal or Rose I would regret it. He picked up his things and walked out of the house leaving me alone. I slowly got up, still in shock, and picked up my bag, leaving the house.

As soon as I stepped foot out of the house I plastered the biggest smile I could across my face before saying my hellos to Rose and Calum. I knew I should've told them right away but if Zayn could hit me who knows what else he could possibly do.

Maybe I'm just freaking out and he didn't know what he was doing. He's never really mentioned hitting me before and I got him annoyed, I thought.

I hoped I was right about it and tried to forget it ever happened. "Gina, you okay?"Rose asked snapping me right back to reality.

"Yeah, why?"I answered.

"You stopped talking after Cal mentioned our first concert in high school. And concerts are your favorite things."she said.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about something."I smiled before joining in the conversation. He probably just didn't know what he was doing, I'm sure of it.

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