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Rose's Pov

I stood frozen like a statue. Shaloma wants to tell Calum about how I really feel about him. My heart almost stopped when she walked in on me and Regina having the conversation and now she actually wants to tell her father. I begged her not to tell him but she was already out of the kitchen. Regina and I went after her.

"Dad I have something  to  tell  you." She said  ready to tell him everything. I need his money. After everything that happened it's my last resort for Tyra to have a good life, plus I'd get a few more perks than before but that's not the point. She's going to ruin what I finally got, what I worked more than three months for. And plus I'd lose Calum. One of the only guys who I consider close.

"Yeah hon, what is it?" I cringed waiting for the dreadful words to leave her mouth. 

"It's about Rose. Dad, she-" Cal's phone went off. I couldn't be any happier to here that shrill annoying sound. He picked up and his lips instantly stretched from ear to ear. He actually started to cry, and I have only seen Calum cry once in my life. All of us stared at him, confused as to why he looked like this. He hung up before running over to me and engulfing me in a bear- hug. 

"Why are you hugging me?" I asked barely able to breathe. He let me go and kissed me, shortly but sweetly. 

"She's gonna live babe."he cried. I began to cry along with him. There are no words for how I feel right now; to hear that my baby girl will live to see everything that life has to offer her. I may have hated her the minute I found out she was inside of me but she's still my child and at the end of the day I've grown to love and accept her. He wiped my tears and gave me another kiss before going to start the car so we could go back to the hospital. Regina stared at me in disbelief while Shaloma stared daggers through me. She marched up to me and yanked me into to the kitchen. 

"I want you out of this house as soon as you get the chance. I don't care if you leave your stuff or carry them but I want you out. My father doesn't deserve any of the bullshit you're giving him."she said sternly. 

"And if I don't go?"I asked.

"I'll throw you out. None of us want's a whore like you around and trust me I will do anything just to get you out of me and my families life."

"You can't throw me out Shaloma. I won't go and your father won't let it happen. Either ways we have your sister. "

"I can find a way. Trust me" She stormed out of the kitchen leaving me alone.

 One daughter hates me, the other has a subtle dislike for me, the other just can't stand her family and the last is fighting to keep the life she was just given back. What a recipe for disaster.

Calum's pov 

I couldn't stop smiling during our drive to the hospital. I was finally going to be able to look at my daughter and be happy because I know that she'll be able to live a full life. Rose, however, didn't seem to share much of my happiness. "I was thinking that we could name her Sara, since we didn't put her name on the certificate yet." 

"Um sure yeah."she replied half- heartedly.

"You okay?"I asked glancing at her, tightening my grip on her hand. 

"Mhm."she said turning to look out the window. 


"Positive"she turned back to me and decided to change the topic. "How about we name her Zainah. Mel was telling me that if she was gonna have a next kid she'd name it that and it'd be good to have a memory of her."

"That sounds nice."I said. I still didn't believe that she was okay. Although she had her regular smile imprinted on her face her eyes said something completely different. I wonder if it could be what Shaloma wanted to tell me. I knew the girls didn't like her especially Shaloma. If what Shaloma wanted to tell me was about her, why would she be acting like this if it wasn't true? It probably wasn't about her and I'm just overreacting. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and drove into the hospital. We immediately got out of the car, ran into the hospital and asked to see her. Soon enough she was sleeping soundly in my arms. "She' s so adorable."Rose gushed. I smiled at the newest edition to our family.  

"Mr. Hood we have some concerns about your daughters birth certificate. Can you follow me please?" said the nurse who had just walked into the room. I gave the baby to Rose and left the room.  "The birth certificate to your daughter is incomplete. We need a first and middle name for her before we can continue treating her. Have you chosen them yet?" 

"We have. Her name is Zainah Andrea Hood."

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