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After we entered the house dad walked Shaloma and I to our room. Shaloma saw the look on my face and tried to cheer me up."So do you think Tyra knows that Ted is a drunk bear that smokes weed."

"Probably not "I muttered.

"C'mon Beauty we have to make the most of this"she said.

Everyone calls me beauty since I was basically named after the princess.

"I know, it's just that dad doesn't know what he's gotten himself into."I sighed.

"Yeah but we'll still living together."she said. "Plus dad will recognize eventually."

I wasn't really in the mood for having a conversation so I dropped the boxes I had in my hands and left the room. I jogged downstairs and grabbed the knob to the front door before Rose made me jump a little.

"Where you going?" she asked approaching me.

"Out."I said making no eye contact.

"Aurora you know you'll have to accept the fact that I'm your mom eventually. Your dad would be really pleased." She said leaning against the door.

"I would but considering the fact all you want is money. It makes 'accepting' kind of hard."I replied giving a sarcastic smile and pulling at the door so she would move but she wouldn't budge.

She chuckled a little before continuing with the conversation. "Alright, I admit, seeing that I've known him basically forever and his band made a good amount of money, his bank account may have swayed my decision in marrying him."

My jaw dropped. Shaloma and I were right. I was completely speechless. I eyed her for a few minutes before I was even able to mutter.

"I can't believe you. You whore." I said in disgust yanking open the door. "I hate you."

"Wasn't really counting on you to like me."she smirked.

I stomped out of the house slamming the door shut behind me. I walked through the neighborhood, my eyes glued to my shoes, not taking notice of anyone or anything. I was so enraged with what had happened. How she said it to my face and then smiled about it.

As I was walking I bumped into someone throwing down whatever they were carrying and almost throwing them down. I muttered a quick apology before trying to move on but the person grabbed my hand. It was a guy from my school, Philip Leo to be exact. I had the biggest crush on him when we first started high school but as I grew to know him feelings faded away. I wouldn't say I stopped completely but I liked him less than before.

"Oh, hi Philip."I muttered.

"Hey. Beauty right?"he asked picking up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Yeah. That's me."I replied giving a weak smile, trying not to show my anger.

"What are you doing here, don't you live half hour from here?" he asked.

"I moved. I live on the street before this one."I explained.

"Cool. I live on the street after this one. Guess we're in the same neighborhood."he smiled.

"I guess so."I muttered.

"What's wrong your not your usual peppy self."he said.

I wasn't in the mood for explaining myself, especially to the most idiotic guy in the school but I knew I was able to trust him. He did pretty stupid things but always knew when to get his act together, but honestly that's just from what I'd heard.

"I'm not really in the mood right now."I replied.

"C'mon if you talk I might be able to give you advice from my 16 years of living."he said wiggling his eyebrows, trying to be persuasive.

"Fine."I sighed. "If it'll make you stop doing that disturbing thing with your eyebrows." He smirked knowing that he had won and I was about to cave in.

"My dad married this gold digging home wrecker and won't believe me or my sister when we tell him that she doesn't love him." I told him. "I mean the woman literally said she wanted his money. The worst part about it is that he wants me to accept her."

"Wait so he married the woman he cheated with and she's gonna take his money?"he asked in astonishment.

"Well he didn't cheat on my mom with her or anything but when she gets bored with him its pretty obvious she's gonna start sleeping around." I explained.

"You may not like this but maybe you should give her a chance, just until he realizes what she's up to."he said shrugging his shoulders.

Really. I couldn't believe that I told him my issue and he gives me the worst answer possible.

"So just leave the man to be heartbroken. Does that makes any sense to you whatsoever?"I asked.

"Trust me. My parents had they're own issues. I know what I'm saying." He said reassuringly. I huffed before running a hand through my hair. "Fine I'll think about it."

"Now smile. Everyone loves that beautiful face even more with a smile." he smirked ruffling my hair.

"Thanks."I chuckled.

"I better get home before my dad freaks out."he said.

"Okay. Bye." And with that he left me standing in the middle of the pavement.

I rolled my eyes at how he called me beautiful. How could Philip Leo think I'm beautiful. I knew that he never liked me and never would. I shook the thought from my head and headed home. I had to go back there at some point and I would have liked to go back before we had to sit and eat like happy people.

I pushed open the front door and dragged myself inside.

"Hi honey."I heard my father say from the kitchen.

"Hey dad."I sighed jogging up the staircase to my room.

I found Shaloma unpacking her boxes and hanging some of her paintings on her side of the room. I plopped down on the bed Rose had for us. I grabbed my phone, turned it on and began scrolling through instagram. Before I knew it my father had pulled the phone from in front of me.

"Anything happened that I should know about."he asked. At this point I was agitated from just thinking of the situation let alone having to discuss it with someone I barely knew.

"Your wife is a gold digging whore."I said rudely.

"Aurora you will not use that language in this house especially against your mother."he said sternly.

"It isn't even your house. She has no respect. "I muttered.

"Well seeing you can say those things freely around me means you'll be able to say them to your mother doesn't it."he said gritting his teeth. "Your grounded for two weeks."

"Dad really, she isn't who you think she is!"I yelled as I had reached the last straw with Rose.

"Aurora I can't believe you would tell your own mother that. Call her a whore then walk out, have I raised you like that?!"

"But dad-"

"We'll continue this later."he said angrily. "Get downstairs for dinner."

After he left, Shaloma gave me a sad look before heading downstairs. I let out a small scream in my pillow to get out my anger before heading down. As I went I considered what Philip had said. Maybe if I left it alone, dad would realize and come to his senses.

We all sat silently at the table. My dad at one end, Rose at the other, Tyra at the left and Shaloma and I at the right. While I ate I contemplated if to take Philips advice. Sure it would be like giving in but my father's a smart man and he could figure it out on his own. It could also strike some shock from Rose herself.

"This tastes great mom."I said stuffing a piece of chicken into my mouth."Would it be okay if you taught me how to make it?" Everyone paused and stared at me for a while. Silence took over the room. Rose looked shocked out of her mind. "Sure. Someday I can."she replied quietly. As Shaloma and Tyra stared on, dad gave me a small smile, knowing that I was finally doing what he wanted.

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