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Regina's POV

I texted Zayn over and over again, trying to find out where he was. He didn't pick up the phone when we were calling him for Rose and he never called back. I felt like something was going on with him that I didn't know about. Eventually I decided to call him instead of just sending endless texts. To my surprise, he actually picked up the phone.

"Hey babe." He said into the phone.

"Hey."I replied. "Where are you?"

"I'm just here at the hospital. Been here since yesterday."he said cooly.

Why didn't he tell me he was there? I wouldn't have been calling him so frantically if we knew he was there. We would've looked for him to check up on Rose and the baby if we knew.

"I didn't know they paged you. Why didn't you say something?"

"It was really urgent. I'm sorry."

"I know. But Rose was admitted there yesterday. She miscarried one of the twins. I'm surprised you didn't find out."

After I brought this up it took him a while to answer. It actually isn't possible that he wouldn't have known cause one of the nurses would've told him. His sister having a miscarriage in the same building as him is a pretty big thing to miss. Especially if his niece is still in that building.

"I was with a patient so I couldn't really come see her."

"A patient." I couldn't believe that lie anymore than I'd believe if someone told me Kurt Cobain is still alive. "And you couldn't come for five minutes?"

"They were having a heart attack Regina. No I couldn't come for five minutes." He replied, slightly irritated by the questions I was asking.

"OK but when are you getting back?"

"I don't know. I'm on a pretty long shift."

"OK well I guess I'll- "

"Look I have to go. I love you."he said cutting me off.

"I love you too." And with that he hung up.

It was extremely obvious that he was lying to me. If he was telling the truth I would've seen him in the hospital and he would've come to see Rose. I just wondered what he was lying to me about.

"Hey Gina." Calum chirped walking into the room.

"Hey, you saw the baby?"I asked.

"Yup. We named her."

"Really? What is it?"


I remembered Melissa  saying she wanted her last child to be named Zainah, before she died. It was actually the day before she died. She was so  optimistic  about everything  and thought  she was going to live for a longer time than she actually  did. She wanted to have another girl and she had her heart set on naming her Zainah.

"Mel would've  loved that name."I said.

"Rose said Mel wanted that name if she was gonna have another baby." He said with his smile faltering a bit.

"She really loved that name." I agreed.

I got up and quickly went up to the room I was staying in to get my ear buds before returning to the living room where Rose had joined Cal. I plugged the ear buds into my phone, put the left side in my ear and blasted some Asking Alexandria.

"Did you get a hold of Zayn yet?" asked Rose. I turned down the music before responding.

"Yeah, he said he's been in the hospital. He said he's still there although I seriously doubt it."

"So you didn't ask him to tell you the truth?"

"Rose he would've just freaked out about it okay." I said remembering the night Calum picked us up.

"Why? It's not like he'll beat you or something."

That's the problem, he might.

After she said that I got a full flashback of the night. How angry he looked. How scared I was. I still can't understand why he'd try to do that, even over something as small as Harry. It reminded me of my parents before Rose and her family took me in.

"Whatever. It's not like he's cheating on me. I'm going upstairs."

I abandoned the two of them for the solace of my room. I let tears run down my cheeks as I continued to think about Zayn. Is this really what my marriage has come to?

Shaloma's POV

Beauty and I sat in our room studying and doing homework. I was studying for a Math test, even though I was doodling and daydreaming more than practicing equations. After a while of studying I decided to go downstairs for something to eat.

"Hey do you want anything to eat?" I asked getting up from the desk chair.

"Get some Tostitos." Beauty said glancing at me from the large text book on her lap.

I was halfway down the hall before she yelled to not forget the dip as I usually do. I jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen emptying the cupboards looking for the Tostitos. After finding every other snack but the bag of chips Beauty came down to find out why I didn't get back yet. "I can't find them."I said.

"Then go ask dad he's in the living room with mom."she replied. It agitates me every time she calls that woman her mother. I just can't stand the idea of Rose taking the place of our mother.

"She's still not your mother." I mumbled.

"I heard that. You know you'll have to accept it at some point right?" She said. I rolled my eyes before going into the living room to look for dad.

"Dad where did you put the-" I stopped in my tracks. My jaw dropped as I witnessed Rose gulp down a large glass of blood. Her lips curved into a smile as she talked to my father about something revealing her blood stained teeth. Her eyes were as red as the blood and fangs were shot out of her gums.

"What. The. Hell." I muttered. "Do not tell me you are what I think you are."

"Shaloma honey calm down."said dad getting up and approaching me.

"When were you planning on saying anything about her?"I asked. "I mean giving your kids a heads up that their mother is a vampire is kind of important don't you think?"

"Shaloma we were planning on saying-" I cut Rose off

"Look can you shut up I don't need to hear you right now."

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Beauty walking in. "I already  put out the dip. If it's  out to long it'll  spoil."

"Rose is a vampire."I said before dad could even open his mouth.

"Seriously?"she asked shocked.

"We were planning  on  telling  you girls about it eventually."dad said.

"Then get to explaining."I said plopping  down  on  the  couch. Beauty  sat next to me in silence  as we stared up at dad waiting  for  an explanation.

"You guys already  know that I'm a vampire  and your mother was a werewolf." He started. "When Rose and I got married  I had to tell her everything  about me and  your mother not being  human. She took the news well because, aunt Regina is a vampire  and  her first husband and Tyra are werewolves. Anyways, when we got married she had to go through sort of a wright of passage."

The last part started to worry me. What kind of 'wright of passage' did she have to go through to be part of this family? Does it tie her to us forever? Cause if it does I am going to be extremely  pissed. "What kind of 'passage'"I said air quoting  passage.

"Humans and vampires  aren't, under any circumstances, allowed to be in one family and if a human and vampire  wants to marry, the human has to turn. So long story short I bit her so she'd  turn and she'd  be able to be part of the family."

"Wait, you said humans and vampires  aren't  allowed to be in a family together, aren't  Shaloma and I humans?"asked Aurora. Dad gave a look to Rose and Rose did the same to him.

"No you aren't  humans. You're vampires."

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