Chapter 11

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I grabbed Max's hand and held it tight to my chest. She's been unconscious for three hours now and I haven't left her side. Fang stopped by for a few minutes an hour ago, but he couldn't stay because he's walking on a thin line with the school. He had a class he had to go to this afternoon because he attacked Jeb. To me that sounded ridiculous because he was just defending my sister. I squeezed Max's hand and moved some hair from her face. There was a soft knock on the door and a nurse walked in.

"Hello, Ari." The nurse, Carol, said. She's Max's main nurse and we've been talking since Max was admitted. "I need to check her vitals." Her long blonde hair flipped as she turned around and checked Max's heart monitor. "Her vitals are doing alright for the moment."

"How's Jeb doing?" I asked all of a sudden, even catching myself off guard. I shouldn't be worrying about that man, but for some odd reason I am. Maybe I just want those answers.

"Jeb woke up a few minutes ago. A woman claiming to be your mother stopped by to see him." I gasped and stared at Carol.

"Are you sure?" She nodded and I sighed. "Make sure extra security is there, she might try to kill him."

"A cop is there. We've heard about his" she paused for a moment and gulped. "Past." I nodded in understandment  and  she started to walk toward the door. "She'll be here soon, as long as everything goes alright."

"Okay. How about Ella? Is she allowed back yet?" Ella hadn't been allowed to go back with me because she was too young. You had to be 16 to visit non-critical patients and Ella is only 13. She shook her head no and I turned back to Max. I squeezed her hand again and for a split second, Max squeezed back. "Max? Can you hear me?" She squeezed my hand again and I smiled. Her eyes started to flutter open and she looked over at me, smiling for a moment. Then it turned into a frown. Knowing that she has amnesia, she may not remember me, so I have to make a good impression on her.

"Hi." She said, her voice unsteady and uncertain. I smiled down at her and squeezed her hand again.

"Hey, Max. How are you feeling?" She smiled weakly at me and squeezed my hand back.

"I'm feeling like crap, but I'm glad that you are okay. You were pretty drunk last time I saw you." I looked at her stunned. She remembered the last time she saw me? I thought that Angel said she had amnesia.

"You remember the party?" She looked up at me like I was crazy or something.

"Of course I remember. Our dead father showed up, it's hard to forget." But how? Angel was so sure of herself. Max couldn't be remembering things.

"Angel read your mind, she thought that you had amnesia." Max was stunned and we heard a knock at the door. The main doctor, Dr. Hans Gunther-Hagen, walked in.

"I thought I heard talking in here. How are you feeling Max?" He asked, checking her heart monitor.

"I'm feeling alright. Little headache, nothing bad though. I just want out of this hospital." He nodded and started to mess with her IV bags.

"Your mother and boyfriend, I guess, want to come in to see you? Shall I send them in?" I shot Max a look, as to say what boyfriend and she looked as confused as me. It must be Fang he's talking about. He was supposed to stop by for an hour or so after his anger management class.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Max stated. She closed her eyes, obviously hurting. I chuckled a little, at the thought of Max and Fang together.

"Oh, my mistake. He says his name is Fang and that Ari should be expecting him to stop by." The doctor looked toward me for conformation. He was on break when Fang stopped in earlier.

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