Chapter 14

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"Okay, so you would rather die than be seen dancing in school?" Fang asked while laughing and eating popcorn. It didn't work out very well for him and he ended up going into a coughing/laughing fit.

"Pretty much." I told him holding back my laughter. The rest of our group, or the Flock as we call ourselves now, tried to pull themselves together so we could continue our very intense game of Would You Rather.

"I want to see you dance." Gazzy said. I shook my head no and even as Fang grabbed my hands to pull me up, I planted my feet firmly on the ground. Fang ended up being able to pull me up so I quickly dabbed before sitting back down. Which earned about three minutes of pure laughter. That's enough dancing for the day.

"Okay, my turn!" Angel stated proudly. We were going around in a circle at the moment, so even though I was asked last it was not my turn. "Gazzy, would you rather lose your wings or eat nothing but ketchup for lunch and dinner for the next year?" Gazzy rubbed his imaginary beard with two fingers and put his elbow on his knee.

"The second one. I love flying." We all (except Nudge and Angel) nodded in agreement, because who would give up flying for anything? I know I wouldn't.

"But ketchup is so gross!" Nudge squealed. Angel nodded in agreement with her. I reached into the popcorn bowl, only to find kernels on the bottom.

"We're out of popcorn." I pouted. Iggy took the bowl and stood up, since it's his house he is on popcorn making duty. A very prestigious job.

You're probably wondering just about now why I'm at Iggy's house if I go to a boarding school, it's a valid question. Well, that's because it's the weekend and Iggy lives two minutes away from the school. Apparently, he comes home every other weekend with all his friends for a sleepover, which now I'm invited too.

"Uggghhhhh. You guys eat like pigs." He said as he walked out of his bedroom door. We all laughed and I ran over to shut the door. We've been planning for the last two popcorn trips to prank Iggy, and now it's time to do it.

Angel grabbed a can of blue silly string that we found under his desk and put it in her back pocket to spray him when he comes through the door. Fang and Gazzy have rigged his closet door-he will need to open it to get a towel to wipe off the silly string- to drop a concoction of confetti and water on his head. Then, I will hand him a towel with temporary hair dye on it to wipe his hair. This prank may get us kicked out for good, but the video we get off of it will be priceless.

At the same time we all heard Iggy coming up the stairs, we scrambled back to our positions and out of harms way. As soon as the doorknob turned, Angel readied her string. She allowed him to set down the popcorn before she sprayed him. We had to save the popcorn.

"Why are you all so qui--" He started being cut off by silly string. Iggy screamed like a little girl  since he wasn't expecting it but Angel continued to spray and spray, not planning on letting up any time soon. Finally, Angel's can ran out of silly string and Iggy was a blue covered angry mess. He kind of looked like a Smurf. All of us, besides Iggy of course, fell into a heap of laughter on the floor.

"Not cool guys. Prank the blind guy." Iggy told us trying so hard to keep back his laughter. "If that prank was on anyone but me, I would've given you props." We all continued to laugh knowing that it wasn't over for poor, defenseless Iggy. He shook his head and walked over to his closet probably to grab a towel or clean clothes. Iggy carefully, as if suspecting something else to happen, pulled open the closet doors slowly, all the while we held back our laughter almost unsuccessfully. The bucket of water and confetti dropped straight down onto his head causing him to jump back and do a little jump into the air screaming like five year old girl.

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