Cheater... (Makoto x Reader)

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"Lizzie dear, do you see that couple?" A grandmother nudged her granddaughter, nodding her head over in the direction of the only couple in the tea shop, by the way the tables were set, they could see both of the couple's faces from the counter.

"Yeah I do grandma, they're really cute." The little seven year old nodded, peering over the counter at them, making the child smile.

"No Lizzie, what is wrong with this picture?" The grandmother urged as the little girl looked up at her grandma, a puzzled look on her face.

"Grandma, I have no idea what you're saying." The girl said questioningly, not seeing anything wrong with the picture in front of her, they looked like they loved each other very much, how could there be something wrong with that?

"Do you see the way that young lady looks at him?" Her grandmother asked as the little girl nodded in response, "There's a spark in her eyes, you can tell she loves him very much, the poor thing." The grandmother sighed, drying off the teacups and placing them in the cabinets while keeping her sights set on the couple, them not noticing.

"What's wrong with that grandma?" The child whined as she was clueless, she hadn't seen anything wrong with it.

"Do you see how the young man looks at her?" The grandmother asked as the girl furrowed her eyebrows together, something was a bit different, but that could be just because he's a boy. She nodded slowly after her examination as her grandmother continued, "The spark isn't in his eyes anymore like it used to be, you see, I've been watching them from the very beginning. He used to have that sparkle in his eyes, but it's gone and instead, replaced with guilt." The grandmother frowned, ever since they had come into her little tea shop after school two years ago, she knew they would wind up together, just by looking at how he looked at the young girl at the time, they were sophomores, it took her a while to come to it, but the grandmother saw it all happen, the day the girl had the sparkle in her eyes as well.

They came into her shop every Thursday, ordering the same thing and sitting at their special table for a couple of hours, talking, studying, laughing.

But for now, it seemed as if the girl was the only one doing any of that, the boy had tried to give it his best shot in being interested, but would be interrupted by the texts on his phone, the girl would stop chatting so he could reply to the message, and he would look up and apologize, saying it was from the swim team.

Oh yes, the grandmother knew everything about the couple, except their names of course. She wasn't that good with names.

She knew the boy was a swimmer, and the girl just worked out on her own free time, due to her being very insecure about her body, even though she was the spitting image of health, a thin waist and bigger bottom, tanned skin and muscular legs. She was still always so unsure of herself, even when she had just started coming to the tea shop two years ago. The girl used to be a bit more naturally curvy, with a bit of fat here and there, but no worries, just the right amount to make her adorable.

But now, even though she was adorable still with her facial features and gorgeous h/c hair, she had reached her potential, though still would work hard so she didn't lose that potential, she had worked for two years straight for it, just so nobody would call her fat anymore, or give her judging glances.

There he goes again, looking down at another message on his phone as the girl sipped her tea, not really unamused by the situation, she knew he was slammed with swimming competitions. The girl sighed once she put her tea down, nobody could hear it, but the grandmother saw it. She saw the sadness in her eyes, she didn't know of his doings, but she knew something was pulling his attention away from her. He normally was the life of the conversation, but now he was just silent, texting away on his phone. The grandmother told the granddaughter to just head upstairs to her suite and watch cartoons.

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