9. Her

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One VOte for the nest chapter!

Harry didn't show up at the lesson today. The boys said something about family stuff, and I couldn't help but feel relieved. Harry was by far my least favourite person.

By the end of the lesson, the boys invited me over for tea, and I couldn't help but say yes, I love a good cup of tea any day. I brought over my all natural green tea for them to try, 50% of the proceeds go towards rainforest conservation in brazil and El Savador.

We had sat around their living room, joking and laughing and just plain conversing. They were all so nice, down to earth people, and my mind kept comparing them to Harry, why was he such a bag?

Niall had mentioned something about stress, and that they had six interviews to do in two days, and their short week break in America would be over.

"I sure am going to miss relaxing and doing nothing." He sighed and sprawled out over the loveseat.

"Tell me about it, well I am going to go kick the ball around outside for a little while, see you around Meredith!" Louis smiled and stood, waving as he exited the house. I set down my empty cup, and Liam was quick to sweep it up and put it in the sink.

"Hey Zayn, wanna go grab supper for everyone? I was thinking Fatburger or something?" Liam asks.

"Yeah sure why not." Zayn stood and grabbed his jean jack from the back of the couch.

Liam quickly went over what he figured each boy would want, and Niall added his input for extra fries.

"Hey Mer, would you wanna stay over for supper? its no problem if you do." I shook my head.

"Nah I'm good, got a single dad to look after." I said with a forced chuckle. Lia smirked and gave me this look of pity, and look I had grown used to.

"Alright, well I'll see you around." Both Zayn and Liam gave me a small wave and left through the garage, and I was left with Niall.

"So when do you guys leave America?" Niall thought it over for a few seconds before replying.

"I think we leave in about three months, we have a shit load of interviews to do over the course of a month, then some fittings and rehearsals, writing for the new album, then wrapping up with a couple sows in the end of July. We head back home in August I believe." I nodded my head, if I was going to do this whole "Changing Harry" thing, I had three months to do it, before he headed home, and I left for University.

"That's a load on you guys." He sighed.

"Yeah it gets pretty stressful." He shrugged his shoulders. "What can you do?" But I knew exactly what to do.

"Hey! I have an idea! How about you four come with me to yoga tomorrow? I'm heading over there for the 45 minute class before I have to work, why don't you guys tag along?" Niall's face lit up at the idea.

"That actually doesn't sound like a bd idea! What time?"

"10:30. You guys don't have a lesson tomorrow, right?" He shook his head no.

"Perfect! Well Ishould probably go, nice seeing you Niall!" I left through the front door and walked back to my house. The sun was going down, and I was pretty beat. I walked in the house and found my dad lost in some football game, I said high and grabbed some left over Veggie pizza from the fridge.

"Night dad!" I shout on the way up the stairs. He just waves, too focused on the game. I shut the bookcase behind me and go sit on my bed. Five days until Phil's chairity meeting, and I can't not say I'm excited. I pick up the flyer and inspect it, the meeting is at the cafe, and I already know where that is. Thinking about the cafe remids me of Tusla, which reminds me of her talking about that fan website. I grab my laptop and sit on my window seat, making myself comfortable.

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