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The way Alexandria blew Jean off felt like a light slap. She’s mocking him, and that disturbs Jean more than bother him.

No means no, and yet he feels as if he should try again. Try harder.

He bumps into her in the crowded halls often, and she just smiles and keeps walking. She doesn’t even say hello.

When he tries to ask her questions like where she’s from or what bands she likes, she’ll answer short and curt. But if she’s talking to Jamie, she’ll give descriptive answers that last hours.

She’s always with Jamie to the point he believes they’re dating, but he knows it’s not true. The thought makes him gag. He doesn’t think them dating (if they are) is wrong. It’s just weird. Jamie’s a sweet-looking kid, he guesses, and the thought of him having a girlfriend seems odd.

Jamie looks like the type of person who isn’t meant to be with someone. Jean doesn’t mean that in a mean way, just that Jamie seems like he would run from relationships.

Jean’s not trying to exclude Jamie when he asks Alexandria to hang out with him because he doesn’t like him. Jamie’s all right, but he’s too much of a loner for Jean to stand. But if he has to deal with Jamie to get with Alexandria, he will.  It’s not like Jamie bothers him a lot.

He’s never really socialized with Jamie much. From the few times he has, Jean knows he’s nice, keeps to himself, and embarrasses easily.

At least in this way, Jean can finally get to know Jamie, so he can stop seeing him as the kid who acts like he’s scared of people.

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