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Jamie goes through school trying not to think, so that one thought doesn’t lead to another thought he doesn’t want.

(You can’t just stop thinking, and he believes that’s probably one of the saddest things ever.)

In English, he barely responds to Alexandria, and sometimes he catches Jean glancing at him after Jamie stops looking at him. Jean’s looking at him more than Alexandria. Jamie thinks he should be proud it’s about him and not about her any more. He doesn’t want to keep his guard up any longer, but he knows how bad a situation can turn when he doesn’t.

When Jamie gets home, he tries explaining his plans for Friday to Girlie, and ends up repeating it at least four times. Girlie’s sitting at the kitchen table with papers all around her, and cat-eye glasses perched high on her nose, though she squints like she still can’t see.

She frowns as she mutters Jean’s name. “Who’s Jean?”

Jamie isn’t sure what to call Jean. He ends up referring to him as his “friend from school.” Girlie pinches the bridge of her nose, and he thinks she might be smiling. If she was sappy enough she’d kiss and hug him, because Jamie is getting out of the house for something that doesn’t involve going to the store to get more paint or buy new comics or go to therapy. Girlie says he can go, but she wants to meet Jean first.

Jamie goes up to his room and on a new page in his sketchbook he draws a mini comic about a person’s boyfriend coming to meet their mom. When he’s done he admires the childishness of it, before throwing the sketchbook back under his bed and into the dust.

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