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Girlie’s cleaned Jamie’s room since he’s been gone. The bed is made up and the floor is clear of objects. Everything was placed neatly on shelves or stacked on his desk if Girlie didn’t know where they belonged. Jamie tosses his bag in a corner and makes a note to deal with it later.

When he lies on his bed he feels his bones sinking through the mattress as he sleeps.

He doesn’t wake up till around the evening. He helps Girlie cook dinner, and they talk and laugh while the old clock radio on the counter plays music. Soon they sit down to eat and as Jamie takes small bites he realizes everything feels so . . .


He waits until after Girlie has taken a sip of her drink before asking, “When does Zack go to trial?” Her mouth hangs open, startled. She knew it was coming, but she didn’t expect him to be so blunt about it.

“Next month.” She breathes slowly, closing her eyes for a moment.  “I’ll be with you.” He stares at her  before nodding and looking down at his plate.

That’s all he needs to know.

Another bite of food and then, “What the baby’s name?”

Girlie blinks confusingly at the change of topic, but Jamie’s smiling softly like it’s ordinary. He’s surprised he’s able to refer to the baby without feeling  sick and a little anxious. He must be getting used to it---tolerate of it, possibly. He doesn’t really have a choice. He’ll see how he really feels once it’s born.

(It still bothers him that in a few months there will be a baby in the house who’s partly made from Zack’s DNA. That something so innocent came from a horrible person. Jamie knows Girlie must have the same thoughts too. But it’s not the baby’s fault. Jamie can only hope the baby won’t turn out like Zack, or troubled like himself. And Jamie hopes he can love them like an older brother should.)

“I don’t know yet. Something with a ‘J,’” Girlie answers. “Like you.”

Jamie scrunches his nose and groans. “You’re one of those.”

“Those what?”

“Those people who name all their kids with the same first letter!”

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“At least use I or K. They’re on both sides of J.” She almost spits out the food in her mouth and Jamie teases her for it.

They laugh about it because it feels good.

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