Part Three

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When Jamie was old enough to realize something was different about him, and Girlie decided he was also old enough to know, she explained it to him.

She told him what he was, what the doctors told her and his mother when he was born, and what their choices were.  Since Jamie was automatically under Girlie’s custody, she made the final decision even though she didn’t want to and wanted to pretend everything was okay and it was just a regular birth. She didn’t want him to have surgery, no operation to change anything (he was only a baby). The hospital went ahead and listed his gender as Male. Whether or not he would stick with that, they would have to wait and see.

Everything was going somewhat fine after that, he went along with that title, till he got older and then nothing felt right anymore.

That’s when he met Emilia, and at the time Jamie thought she was a godsend. She told him he didn’t have to be one or the other, and that’s all he needed to hear, that he didn’t have to be this or that for people. (It sounded good in thought, but it was actually hard to put into action.)

Jamie was happy for awhile, at least.

Then everything else happened.

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