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Jamie’s has never had anyone over at his house. Especially in his room.

But Alexandria insisted on coming over and Jamie decided to let her. Zack is gone somewhere and Girlie had to step out for awhile, so it’s only the two at the moment trying to find ways to keep themselves busy. The first fifteen minutes since Alexandria’s arrival were spent with her admiring Jamie’s room.

“I never knew you were that big of a nerd until I’ve seen all these comics,” she gasps, picking up a random DC comic off the bookshelf and flipping through the pages. “I don’t do comics. Too many words. ”

“But it’s like a picture book,” Jamie complains.

“Yeah, a picture book with tiny words I can barely read.”

She runs across Jamie’s many sketchbooks, and he makes sure to pick out the ones she can see, and push the ones he won’t allow anyone to see somewhere else. “You plan on being an illustrator?” she asks, smiling at one sketch.

“I don’t know,” Jamie says, and he really doesn’t. He hasn’t given much thought to what he wants to be when he’s older. It’s always seemed so far away. When you’re too busy dealing with what’s happening now, the future’s not so important

“You should.” Alexandria puts the sketchbook back on the bookshelf. “It’s always the silent ones who are the most artsy.”

Jamie merely shrugs, sitting on the ground near his bed. “What do you want to be?”

“A social worker, a counselor, something like those. I don’t know. I just wanna help people in some way.”

Alexandria makes herself comfortable on his bed, stretching out full length. Jamie stands up quickly from the floor before he gets a face-full of what’s under her lacey skirt (even if she is wearing stockings – though they’re as see-through as stockings can get.) Her ankles dangle off the edge, and Jamie can see on the tongue of one of her white Converses a drawn smiley face with Xs for eyes and its tongue sticking out happily.

“So tell me what’s been going on,” she asks.

“Nothing much,” he tells her, resting at the end of his bed. He’s learned by now Alexandria is eerily sensitive to people’s feelings, and she’ll interrogate a person until she finds out what’s wrong. He kind of likes he’s found someone who cares so much. But he hates it since he can’t get away withI’m fine and everything’s cool. Even if they are true.

“You’ve looked exhausted lately, and you haven’t been wailing over Jean as usual.” Their eyes lock onto each others, and for a moment Jamie is bothered by the slight smile on Alexandria’s face.

“I don’t do that.” He doesn’t mean it jokingly, and so his voice breaks lightly at the end.

“You know I know, right?” Alexandria questions. “I mean I thought . . . Don’t you . . . ?”

When he looks at her he doesn’t feel alarmed or frightened that she knows. He doesn’t feel as weird as he would if it was someone else. Her eyes are unsure but she’s smiling, like she’s saying it’s totally okay.

He blushes hot red. Alexandria snorts and covers her mouth with her hands. “Aw, Jamie.”

He scoots up closer to her side and they continue to talk about random things, including Jean’s band playing Friday night. Jamie’s grateful when Alexandria doesn’t press on the issue of him liking Jean, or the fact that he’s been acting funny. He can’t tell her or anyone why he’s been acting strange lately; otherwise they’ll take him to the hospital and find out –

Jamie doesn’t want to deal with hospitals and doctors and medications right now.

Jamie’s broken out of his reverie when Alexandria starts prodding her fingers into his side.


“Jean’s band. Are we gonna see them?”

“I guess we can. If you want.”

“We should! Ooh, we’ll get there early so we can be in the front. Number one rule of concerts, no matter who the band you’re going to see is, always go early. Always.”

“You go to a lot of concerts, don’t you?”

Alexandria intertwines their fingers together, warmth runs through their veins. This might be the first time they’ve been more intimate as friends, and Jamie likes it. It’s peaceful. He wants to keep the calmness.

“I haven’t been to one in while where there wasn’t a bunch of kids moshing or a random old man appearing out of nowhere and headbanging. This is one should be nice. Everyone just dances sophisticatedly,” she swoons, laying her head on Jamie’s shoulder.

He closes his eyes and ignores the buzzing at the back of his skull.

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