Chapter 20

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Sanaya's P.O.V :-
Sanaya half walked and half ran down the stairs trying very hard to keep her composure in place. She wiped her hand against her mouth and tried hard to keep from crying. She couldn't believe what she'd done. She knew he shouldn't have kissed her. He had no right to but how could she? How could she kiss him back?? He would think she wanted to be kissed. She admitted that he had become a better kisser. He had already been good. He must have had some practice to become better. Somehow this thought didn't settle well with her but she ignored it. He could go and kiss whomever he wanted to. She didn't care. What she cared about was what happened a while back. She didn't want this. She didn't like being in the same room as him, she had to fight twice as hard to keep her no nonsense attitude on. She failed to understand how someone could still evoke such strong feelings within her even after seven years. Hadn't he hurt her enough? She took a deep breath and entered the living room. Her parents in law and sister in law were sitting in the living room, reading the different types of newspaper each of them preferred. On seeing Sanaya they all smiled and wished her a good morning. Sanaya forced a smile and wished them back. Sanaya stood there, not knowing what to do when Jay came up and stood beside her. She immediately moved away from him and out of the corner of her eye, she saw his jaw tighten as he went to sit with his family. She followed suit and sat beside her sister in law who gave her a warm smile and said, "Breakfast will be here any moment. I'm sure you must be hungry after the activities of last night. " Sanaya's mouth dropped open as she felt the heat creeping into her face. Jay eyed her from where he was sitting and smirked, saying nothing. Sanaya was saved from giving a reply when breakfast arrived. There was orange juice in a carton, tea and coffee in flasks, oats, cornflakes,  toast with butter, marmalade or jam, boiled eggs and a fruit basket with banana, orange, apple, guava, pears and grapes. Sanaya loved it. She however felt shy and poured herself a glass of orange juice and waited till everyone had taken their choice of breakfast. Jay made no move to get his own breakfast and continued to read the newspaper. Sanaya took one boiled egg and a little of all the fruits. She started eating when her brother in law came down and took a seat next to Jay and snatched the paper from him. He folded it neatly and told Jay to eat. Jay sighed and took a bowl of oats with little cubes of all the fruits except grapes in it. Sanaya noticed that he still didn't like grapes. Apparently, some things never change. She was sure even Jay hadn't. Maybe he was still the lying bastard that she had known and loved. Her mistake, not his. She knew she couldn't be normal with him after that kiss. She would have to avoid being alone with him for as long as possible. She hated him at the moment. She was actually beginning to relax a little bit with him when he had to spoil it. As usual, ruining everything for her. He had overstepped. Forgetting his boundaries. Did her wishes matter so little to him? He was not allowed to touch her. That was one of the rules, yet he had broken it with absolutely no remorse to show for it. Sanaya would show him what breaking promises meant. Maybe that would make him understand how it felt to have promises broken. She admitted that she is his wife. Married to him. Sharing his house, his room and being a part of his life; but that didn't mean he could take her for granted. She had to remind him of the rules of the agreement. She refused to be an object to satisfy his desires. She was much more than that. She was an independent woman and she was not like those other women who fell for his charming nature. She could and would resist him. She had to. For her own sake and sanity.

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