Chapter 26

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Sanaya's P.O.V :-
Sanaya woke up but couldn't open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to make sense of the noise in the background. There was no noise... just someone whispering. Otherwise it was quiet. Sanaya forced her eyes open and was immediately blinded by the light. She groaned. That was harsh. It hurt her eyes bad. She blinked and this time carefully opened her eyes. She focused and saw a white ceiling. She turned her head towards the whispering and saw her husband and her mother sitting on the couch and talking. She tried to speak but no words came out. Her throat was dry and there was this awful medicine like taste in her mouth. She felt nauseous. She became aware of her surroundings. There was a slight pinching sensation when she moved her left hand and she knew it was the IV. There was a floor to ceiling window on her left which offered a quite nice view and a small flat screen television in front of her. The room was done up in dark brown wood and white walls. She needed water. She couldn't speak so she raised her right arm and slapped the bed with it. That caught their attention and they both rushed to her. Her mother stroked her head and asked her how she was feeling while Jay moved around to her left and pressed a button. He said nothing and she couldn't answer her mother. She signalled for water and as Jay was about to pour her a glass, a nurse came in and forbade him from doing so. Sanaya felt helpless and looked at the nurse, pleading with her eyes. The nurse kindly explained that first she needed to puke and then only could she drink water, that too small sips only. Sanaya's mouth dropped open. She tried to sit up and then only did she become aware of the pain in her abdomen. It hurt bad. Not bad enough to be unbearable but it was bad, nevertheless. Right. The surgery. She tried to recall her morning and the operation theatre but couldn't remember much. She just remembered a person telling her to breath in the rather sweet smelling air through an oxygen mask and telling her to count backwards from ten. She remembered nothing after saying three. She also recalled waking up after the surgery while they were cleaning her up and feeling short of breath. She was brought back to the present when she felt the pinch of an injection in her arm and she looked down to see the nurse had injected her with something. The nurse told her it was to make her vomit the rest of the anaesthesia. Sanaya felt nothing for a few moments but after a while she puked into the vessel the nurses were holding in front of her. The movement hurt her abdomen and she hoped it would be over soon. She didn't like the fact that Jay was watching her puke. She felt extremely embarrassed. The nurses left after handing her a glass of water and telling her to take very small sips and her mother excused herself to take a call. Sanaya felt Jay watching her every move and peeked up at him. He was looking at her intensely and Sanaya could feel the blush creeping up to her face. She cleared her throat and said, "I'm sorry you had to see that."
Jay frowned and said, "Sanaya. Please don't apologise for things that are a part and parcel of being human. You should, however, be sorry for lying about not being in pain this morning. " Sanaya felt guilty. She mumbled an apology and looked down. She heard the rustling of plastic and looked up to see Jay take out the clear bag in which all her jewellery was kept from his pocket. He took her left hand in his carefully and eased the three bracelets down her wrist and then slipped in her wedding and engagement rings onto her ring finger. He then moved to her right and eased the two bracelets down her wrist. He was just left with her studs now and he gave them to her. She put them in. Sanaya heard Jay's stomach grumble. She looked at him to find him looking everywhere but at her. "You didn't eat anything". She phrased it like a sentence. He shook his head and said that he isn't hungry. Sanaya could feel her temper rising but she reigned it in. After all, this man she called her husband had been nothing but sweet and understanding since morning and was hungry because of her. She said, "Please go and eat something, Jay. Please. It's an earnest request from my side. I don't want you to not eat on my account. Besides, mum is here to take care of me." Jay didn't say anything for some time and merely stared at her with his intense gaze and she stared right back at him. She pleaded him with her eyes and he finally relented. He dropped his stiff posture and said, "I'll have to go home and bring certain things. You should be discharged either tomorrow or day after  but till then whatever you'll be needing please tell me and I will bring it. Your mother will stay with you until then. Everyone else just left a while back and will be back during the evening visiting hours. " Sanaya said, "You didn't mention eating even once". Jay smiled at that, her favourite smile of his and he said, "Yes, Sanaya. I'm aware of that. I'll eat, don't worry. " Sanaya's mother came back in and Jay told her that he would be back in a couple of hours. Sanaya closed her eyes, she was feeling rather drowsy. Jay bid goodbye to her and left. Sanaya made small talk with her mother and suddenly her mother said,"I'm glad you found Jay. I'm so happy for you." Sanaya was confused. She looked questioningly at her mother and her mother said,"Your brother told me that you were saying Jay's name over and over again while you were unconscious after your surgery. " Sanaya felt mortified. She just hoped that the man in question hadn't heard it. She asked her mother slowly, "Was Jay here when I was doing that? " Her mother said, "Yes, of course. He hasn't left your side even once. " If Sanaya had felt mortified before, she decidedly felt like jumping of a cliff now. She didn't know how she would face him now. Why, oh why did her heart betray her? She was protecting herself from her attractive husband but her heart seemed hell bent on making her succumb to his charms. She didn't know what to think or how to act. She felt conflicted. On one hand she wanted a normal, happy relationship with Jay but on the other hand she was reminded of the way he'd broken her heart into little pieces and how hard it had been for her to piece it back together slowly. She also remembered last night. She knew what she had said had given him the impression that she really wanted nothing out of this marriage and stick to the contract but she knew he now knew that she'd been lying. He knew her feelings went deeper than she let on and Sanaya felt scared. He now knew about her feelings for him and Sanaya really hoped that she wouldn't get her heart broken again.

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