Chapter 8

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Briar's pov
Once I'd calmed Myles down, I started to cook dinner. Well, I wouldn't call it cooking, I'd call it baking. You see, neither  of us wanted to eat an actual meal, so I decided to bake cookies! Who doesn't like cookies? Plus, I'm a baker so that's a bonus point and Myles didn't know what a cookie was. Kind of like when he said he didn't know what a cake was. What did they feed him in that lab? Imagine growing up in a lab! Poor Myles! Wires connected to him, not being able to see day light, not being taught anything and not seeing his family! Well, he did say that he didn't have any parents when I first met him, but what about the rest of his family? Aunts, uncles, grandmas and granddads? Did he have anyone? I feel really bad for him, so bad that I start to tear up. Yeah, I dislike my parents but my sister and other relatives visits me occasionally! I can't imagine not being able to see them.

"Are you alright?"
I turn away from my bowl to see Myles standing there with his blue v-neck t-shirt on. I nod and give him a smile. Not looking convinced, he wipes my tears away. Then, he takes a seat and I carry on baking. As I add the flour to the butter, I feel his eyes burning in me. So, I turn around and give him a small smile.

"Are you going to stare at me all day?" I ask with a smirk.
His face flushes red and he takes his eyes off me to the floor. Aw, he's so cute when he's nervous. Trying to make him not feel embarrassed, I say, "I didn't say you had to stop." His face turns back original colour and he looks back at me, giving me a small smile. I turn back to the white mess in the bowl. Haha no you dirty minded people ;)

After I put the cookies in the oven, I set my timer for twelve minutes and take a seat next to Myles. I gave him a small smile and he returns it. Then, he says, "Sorry about before. I didn't mean to stare it's just that...oh never mind." I give a confused look before saying, "No, go on, it's just that what?"
"Well you're beautiful Briar. I can't help but stare at beautiful things." He says with a smile and I feel my cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.
"Oops." He says.
"Oops?" I ask, confused.
"I didn't mean to say that." He says, looking down.
"Wait you didn't mean to say it or you didn't mean it?" I ask, looking a little sad.
"Of course I meant it! Have you looked in the mirror? You're absolutely stunning!" He says, grabbing my hand.

I look down and see his hand attached to mine. I give him a confused look and he takes a deep breath before saying, "Briar, I really like you. Do you me?" He looks so scared! I give him a huge hug before shouting, "Yes! Of course I will!" I pull away, we look into each other's eyes, lean in and BRING! Ugh! Why now timer?

He lets out a small laugh before saying, "You should get the cookies."

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