Chapter 21

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3K?! Thanks! After I say this, you'll all hate me 😂 Guess what chapter it is? 21. Extremely sorry for the short chapters, I like leaving them on cliffhangers 😉

Briar's pov
There, in front of me, slumped in a chair is Myles. His arms bruised, head bleeding, hair ruined and, worst of all, eyes shut. Wait, is that an electric chair?! Oh how could I be so stupid! When that man said, "A few more shocks," he meant ELECTRIC shocks! Why didn't I realise that? But his head! Blood pouring out like fountain, his cheek as purple as a grape and his lip looks badly bruised! He doesn't even know I'm here, how could he? I can't even tell if he's alive!

"Myles?" I ask softly, walking towards him.
His head moves slightly, then opens his eyes. His eyes squint at me, almost as if he isn't sure that it's actually me. Realising that it is me, he whisper-shouts, "Briar! You can't be here!"
He flinches in pain with every word. Oh God, what have they done to him?!
"They'll get you! Leave while you can!" He exclaims, placing a hand on his bleeding head, letting the blood flow onto his hand.
Gosh, that looks painful!
"No! I'm not leaving without you!" I yell, but not too loudly.
"Why?" He asks, wiping some blood away from his mouth.
"Because....because I love you Myles." I say, giving him a small smile.

I've never realised it before, but I do love him!
"I love you too Briar, but we have to get out of here! How did you even- ouch!" He suddenly exclaims, shutting his eyes and grabbing the chair's arms, squeezing them.

What? Is he in pain? Of course he's in pain you idiot! But how? We're the only ones in here...right?

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