Chapter 27

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Briar's pov
"Fine," I replied, gritting my teeth, spitting out the word. I really don't want to see my father, but he's the only option we have left. "But if he causes any drama, I'm leaving, and saving Myles alone!"

"And how will you do that? Briar there's no way you can save him alone! We need someone experienced with this place and those men. Agreed?" Abbey asks as we walk to her car. Well, jogging. Running. Sprinting even! As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. I don't want to see my father, and he doesn't want to see me. End of.

"Hurry!" I yell as we get into the car, fasten our seat belts and she turns the engine on.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" She replies angrily, almost showing that she doesn't want to do this either. She still lives with mother and father, after all, she's only sixteen. She's still in school, sees our family most days. I miss them, just not my parents. I'm still angry at them for kicking me out! Well, it wasn't so much my mother's fault. Father sort of forced her go do the deed with him, so she did. But still! He should've been the one kicked out, not me!

Abbey turns the engine on and the car speeds off. So fast that I fall back a little in my seat. But hey, at least she listen to me and decided to go fast! How come I've never been here before? Or seen this place? Why wasn't I informed that father was a scientist? Ugh, none of that matters now! I need to focus on saving Myles! But I can't help feel nervous about seeing father again, and mother for that matter.

After a short drive, we arrive at my- Abbey's house. It looks just as it did when I left. Brick work, small windows covered in dust at the front and a large porch which lead to the front door. A little ivy creeps up the side of the house, meeting the chimney at the top. Yep, exactly how I remember it.

"Well don't just sit there! Go and get father!" I yell forcefully, making Abbey groan and roll her eyes before getting out of the car and walking towards the front door.

Once she reaches it, she knocks and, almost immediately,  a blonde woman, only slightly taller than her walks out, hugging her. My mother! After all this time, I'm finally seeing her! But then someone else steps out of the door, my father. A little shiver goes down my spine as I see him. My head peers out of the windowing, furrowing my eyebrows, trying to see better. I see Abbey talking to them, I can't hear a word she's saying though. But I do see my father's head shoot towards the car window. I jump back, a little scared. Gosh, his stare is powerful enough to kill a thousand men!

Suddenly, he starts to walk over to the car, Abbey hot on his heals. She looks worried and tries to stop him. But, he gives her a small push aside, not enough to hurt her. By now he's almost touching the car he's so close! The look of anger on his face is starting to scare me, so I hesitantly back away to the other seat, further away from the window.

Before I know it, he forcefully opens the door, almost as if he's trying to pull it off. Wow, he looks angry! I bite down on my bottom lip. Yep, definitely scared! Wait, I can't show him my fear! I'm stronger than this, I'm not dome fearful teenager anymore. I'm Briar Nolet, and I can do anything!

My arms fold, moving like snakes, I squint my eyes, giving him a death glare back. Well that's something I've inherited from him! My glares! They're just as bad as his!

"Briar," he spits out angrily. His fists are beginning to clench and look as though they want to punch me. Thankfully, they don't.
"Father," I reply, doing just the same as him.
"I hear you want me to save some kid? Why should I do that?" He asks, squinting his eyes at me angrily, looking as though he doesn't want to see me. Well guess shat? I don't want to see him either!

"Myles isn't just some kid! And you have to save him. No question about it!" I reply forcefully. How dare he speak about the love of my life like that!

To my shock, his lips form into a smile. A smile! As in what people do when they're happy! What is going on? I throw him a confused look, yet he just chuckles. Ok, what the heck is going on? Why is he laughing? Does he think that I'm lying? Well I'm not!

"Very persistent Briar, you take after your mother," he replies, looking towards the door where my mother and, now, Abbey are standing.
"Does that mean?" I ask, not believing what I'm hearing.

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