Chapter 22

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Briar's pov
My eyes shoot to the door of the room, which is now open. Oh no, the scientists heard us! I look back down at Myles, he's now screaming in pain and I want to stop this! I try to unchain Myles' hand from the chair, but as soon as I do, it gives me an electric shock.

"Ouch!" I yell, and hear laughs from behind me.
"Oh dear Briar, you've really got yourself into trouble here haven't you!" A voice says so I turn back around.
"Mr Smith?!" I exclaim, looking at the dark figure that's walking closer to me.
"It's Dr Jenkins go you. Now, if you go, we won't hurt you. If you stay, then Myles will get double the pain, and you will be hurt too." He says, smiling evilly.
"I'm not leaving Myles!" I yell, standing in front of the chair.
"And why not?" He asks, his smile disappearing.
"Because I love him! And I'm not leaving him here with you, you psycho!" I exclaim, angrily and he sends another shock into Myles' body.
"What a sappy thing to say, pity it can't wait save you!" He exclaims, slapping me across the face.
"No!" Myles yells as I feel my cheek burning in pain.
"Shut up boy!" Dr Jenkins yells and hits Myles.

Suddenly, I feel myself being dragged backwards and being pushed down onto a chair. I look behind me, confused, and see two men wearing black balaclavas. Ugh, how cliché. Then, they tied my wrists and kegs to the chair and started pressing buttons. I looked at Myles, his head was looking down, and shaking a 'no'. It was when I felt a sharp pain run through my spine that I realised why Myles was doing that.

"Ouch! Stop! Please stop! Ouch, it hurts so badly!" I whine, tears spilling out of my eyes.
"Briar, you shouldn't have stayed with me- ouch!" Myles exclaims as he gets a shock going through his body as well.
"I couldn't- ouch! I couldn't leave you- ouch!" I scream as the pain is now all over my body.

How could something hurt so much? Every inch of my body from my toes to my head is in excruciating pain. I don't know how I'm going to get out of this...

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