It Was Never Going To Work

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Sorry for the long delay, I've been in Spain for a week and have a lot of uni revision to get through but I'll try keep these updated now x

Never did she see herself in this position. A place where she was hurting over the thought of having to tell someone they weren't going to work out. Of course she'd had this conversation many times, but she'd always meant it. This was different, she cared.

Connie remained sitting in her car for sometime just watching as people wandered by going about their day. That's when he caught her eye. That smile, his whole attitude. There was something about him and she was about to shatter all of it.

Jacob was looking right at her as she lifted her eyes to meet his. Connie's breath caught in her throat as they remained looking at each other.

A small smile had appeared on her face and she hadn't even noticed but when she glanced to the mirror there it was. Connie sighed picking up her bag and moving from the car.

"There's me thinking my day couldn't get any better and in you walk." Connie dipped her head as she crossed the car park towards him, guilt searing through her at what she was going to do.

Still she couldn't help the smile that was on her face when he was around her. He made her feel all kinds of things she never thought she'd experience. She wanted him and she couldn't have him any more. Life was a bitch sometimes.

"You didn't call last night, I worried."  Connie forced a smile as Jacob slowly laced his fingers through hers. A small gesture but something she'd miss. She loosely held onto him before he stepped closer and kissed her. It was gentle and normally would have been perfect.

A stray tear rolled down her cheek as he pulled away. "Hey, Connie what's wrong?"  She dropped his hand and stepped away. Connie leant back against the wall looking away from him and over the carpark.

She took a deep breath before feeling his hand resting on her cheek. "Sweet cheeks-" "Don't call me that Jacob. Just don't..."  Connie moved from the wall but he caught her wrist. "Connie what's going on-" "We can't do this anymore."

Jacob turned to face her properly as she visibly composed herself. "We're not going to work. This, me and you, it was fun while it lasted but let's be honest... It could never work. It's over Jacob."

Connie watched as confusion and annoyance crossed his face. He dropped her hand and she turned on her heel to walk away before she could look at him properly as her words sunk in. She sighed as her eyes began to sting with unshed tests.

Connie hastily made her way inside and thought she was in the clear. She could see her office but before she reached it he caught up to her. "We need to talk-" "There's nothing to talk about."

She pushed her office door open as he followed her inside. She removed her coat and put down her bag before grabbing her stethoscope and leaving the room.

Connie walked along the quiet corridor before again hearing someone catch up to her. "Connie."  The bluntness in his voice made her all too aware at how this conversation was about to go.

"Wait." He reached forward and grabbed her wrist causing her to turn back to him. "What changed because I can't understand why you'd do this-" "Grace needs to be my priority."

Jacob huffed as he shook his head. "She's got you wrapped around her finger hasn't she?" "Don't!- Don't talk about my daughter like that." He regretted it but he couldn't let her walk away. "Connie please you don't need to do this. You can be happy too, we can do thi-" "There's nothing to do Staff Nurse Masters and I'd appreciate you getting to work now."

He couldn't help his eyes wander across her. Everything about her was perfect, all he wanted but yet again she was stopping it. Connie never imagined it feeling like this. She felt suffocated at being so close to him but not able to touch him.

Connie tried looking away but it was impossible. "Please... Don't shut me out."  Jacob moved closer once again until there was no space left between them. He placed a hand to her cheek as she slowly lifted her eyes to meet his.

"Please don't do this." Connie couldn't handle all the emotions flowing through her. It was a strange sensation, was this what it felt like to be in love?  She couldn't control this and she hated it.

Jacob's thumb gently caressed her cheek before she took a small step closer leaning up to his lips. She gently grazed hers against his before stopping herself briefly.

She didn't move away though. When he realised this he pushed his lips onto hers again as she moved her hands to the back of his head. Jacob kept a hand resting against her cheek before the other rested against her waist.

The touch of his hands on her through all of her inhibitions out of the window and he knew he was doing it to her. Connie deepened the kiss as Jacob pulled her backwards into a small cupboard off of the corridor.

He closed the door and pushed her back up against it. Jacob let his hands run across her hips until he wrapped them around her, picking her up from the floor.

Jacob's hands held onto her and the skin beneath them tingled under his touch. Connie was intoxicated by every touch and smell, everything about Jacob. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he placed a hand on her thigh.

Her breath hitched as he broke free from her lips. She dropped her legs suddenly regaining herself and realising what she was doing. "That shouldn't have happened." She pushed a hand to his chest as she bit her lip trying to contain her emotions.

She looked away from him before his voice pulled her back. "Was it something I did-" "No... No Jacob you could never do anything wrong. It's all on me, this can't work because of me. You deserve to be happy and that isn't going to be with me."

She turned away her hand on the handle but stopped again. "You can't know that."  She rested her head against the door. Why wouldn't he give up?

"What-" "You can't know if we'd be happy.  You can't know if we wouldn't work out. Connie I lov-" "Please! Jacob don't make this any harder than it already is."  She'd spun round to face him knowing exactly what he was about to say to her. If she'd heard that there would be no way she could finish this and she'd lose Grace again. Not a risk she was willing to take.

"Tell me you don't want this... Tell me you don't feel anything for me and that this is what you want. To end this, everything we could have." Connie's breathing became shaky as she thought about all the possibilities that could have come from this but never would.

"Please if you do feel like you say you do, let me go." Jacob's eyes widened slightly as he watched her use his feelings against him. She had him and they both knew it.

Jacob sighed as he bought a hand up to his forehead. He turned away from her and looked deep into the room. He felt a hand on either shoulder before her lips gently pressed to his neck. "I'm sorry, it just has to be this way. It's over, forever Jacob."

Connie moved away from him and left the room heading for her office. As soon as the door closed Jacob swung his fist into the wall of the cupboard. Connie sunk down against the office door as tears flooded down her cheeks. Neither wanted this but right now they didn't have a choice.

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