Pretending To Be Strong

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"My name's Jacob, can you tell me how this happened?" The young boy sat on the bed shaking his head without a word. "Okay." He neared the bed and rested on the edge gently trying not to scare him anymore than he already was.

Connie had left the confines of her office and stopped beside the nurses' station when Rita approached her. "Mrs Beauchamp. Child in cubicle 4, no parents around was bought in earlier."

She continued to explain the injuries which seemed to be apparent. "The circumstances seem difficult. He won't speak to any of us, he's petrified."  Connie sighed with a hand against her forehead. "Okay, give me five minutes with him."

Rita nodded as Connie began to wander towards the cubicle before stopping outside as she noticed Jacob inside.

"A fan of superheroes I see?" The small child nodded as a smile finally came to his face. "Is that the favourite is it?" Jacob pointed to the picture of Spiderman on his shirt. A quick shake of his head made Jacob smile.

Connie admired how well Jacob could interact with people like this. He was a natural with them, while Connie... Connie wasn't exactly one for social interaction.

She wandered closer to the cubicle continuing to listen. "Let me guess... Superman? Everyone likes Superman-" "No, everyone knows Spiderman is the best right." Jacob glanced up hearing her voice as the young boy nodded smiling at her.

"Didn't think you'd be hot up on your superheroes." Connie forced a smile for the child's sake as she stepped closer. "Who doesn't know them?" She crouched down slightly to be eye level with the young boy.

"So what's your name?" The child seemed reluctant to answer Jacob, and Connie could see they weren't getting anywhere. She placed a hand gently on his leg before warmly smiling.

Jacob sat back watching as he saw another side to her. "I think you're one of the bravest people I have ever seen in here-" "Really?" The boy spoke timidly as Connie smiled nodding.

"Yeah, it's like a super power that you know... Every superhero needs a secret name too, you're definitely a better Superman but they sometimes let one person know what their other name is." Connie smiled hopeful that he'd talk. He seemed to consider it before leaning closer to Connie.

He spoke quietly as she sat back up and smiled again. "Okay sweet heart... What happened here then? It looks painful, does it hurt now?" He went quiet again as his eyes flickered to Jacob.

It seemed he'd built up a quick bond with Connie and was yet to trust Jacob. "You know... Mrs Beauchamp here's a superhero too."

His eyes lit up as he moved them to Jacob. Connie found herself also looking towards him as he continued. "She's got this special power which makes everyone better and you can tell her anything and she won't tell anybody-" "Really?" "Really."

Jacob smiled before his eyes moved to Connie quickly who was still looking at him. When she saw him look to her she swiftly moved her gaze to the child causing Jacob to smile.

"I was playing and fell over when I was running away." Connie smiled as she held onto his wrist gently. "Who were you running away from?" "The bad guys." She lifted her eyes to his and saw the fear that was there.

"Hey, I promise you're safe here. I won't let any bad guys come near you... Your Mummy must be worried about you, how about I get my side kick here to go and call her?" Connie glanced to Jacob who smirked over at her.

"How can you call her, when you don't know her?" "Ah you see, that's one of my many powers... Leave it to me." Jacob winked at him before glancing to Connie who was smiling as he left the cubicle.

Once Jacob had left Connie made herself comfortable on the bed before checking him over. "So how old are you superman?" He laughed while Connie pulled the stethoscope out of her ears. "5 nearly 6 now."

"Wow, you're a big boy then Harry."  He smiled nodding before talking. "Will I be here a long time?" There was no major injuries or reason to keep him in, it was just a matter of how quickly his parents could get here.

"I don't know sweet heart... But how about I get you something to eat? Can't have my little superhero going hungry can I?" Connie smiled as she neared the edge of the cubicle. "Nurse Chiltern."

Lofty dropped something upon hearing Connie before picking it up and rushing over. "I need you to sit with this patient for a moment while I do something." "Okay."

Harry stayed quiet but looked worried before Connie turned back to him. "Do you think you can do something for me?" She crouched down once again to his level as he nodded.

"I need you to be the bravest biggest superhero you can be and keep an eye on him for me... He's not a superhero and hurts himself a lot, do you think you could watch him for me?"

Harry seemed to consider it looking towards Lofty who was smiling at him. "Okay... But-" "What is it sweet heart?" Connie looked up at him worried that something was wrong. "Could I have some sweets maybe too?"

Connie pulled a face before smirking. "I think I could manage that for Superman... I'll be as quick as I can." Harry nodded before looking at Lofty while Connie walked to her office.

Jacob had found his records and called his emergency contact. His mother was on her way so he stayed at the nurses' station as he thought about how Connie had been in there. It was amazing watching her like that, she knew exactly what to say.

Connie had wandered to the shop and picked up something for Harry to eat and was walking back through. "Hey there, I got some snacks for the superhero." She passed the bits over just as Jacob came to the cubicle.

"Did you get hold of anyone?"  Jacob nodded with a smile before stepping inside. "Do you think you could sit here, it's just I've got somethings to finish?" "Course, go get sorted."

Connie smiled before Jacob began talking to Harry. "Is she bored of me too?" "What Mrs Beauchamp? No, she's in charge here... The biggest boss who has to make sure all of us do the right thing all day."

Connie remained in her office until there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" "Mrs Beauchamp, could I get your opinion on something?" Ethan passed over some notes which she skimmed over before they left her office.

Connie stood by the nurses' station as Jacob appeared beside her. "Jacob? Where's Harry, I told you to stay-" "His Mum's with him. They're off home."

"Oh, okay." Connie looked back down at her folders before someone tapped her from behind. She spun round to see Harry smiling up at her.

She crouched down as he hugged her. "Thank you." Connie looked up to who she assumed was his Mother. All she could do was smile before looking back to Harry. "You promise to keep being a good superhero for me?" She raised an eyebrow as he nodded before taking his Mum's hand and leaving the hospital.

Connie wasn't sure why but she'd really felt something when treating him today. It had gotten to her, how scared he was and she couldn't help but worry about him.

"He trusted you today, I don't think we'd have got far without you." Jacob continued to walk beside Connie before stopping in the doorway to her office.

"I was just doing my job Jacob-" "Whatever you say Superwoman..." He moved to walk past her before leaning slightly closer. "But I'm sure you should be calling me something like Mary-Jane now right?" He winked as he passed her as she laughed watching him.

Jacob disappeared into the department as Connie stayed where she was for a moment. She thought about how they'd worked together today. They'd made a good team for the first time in weeks and it felt good. But that small thought at the back of her mind reminded her that nothing more could come of it bringing her back down to reality again.

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