The Right Sacrifice

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6 months later...

The corridors were quiet and the lack of staff around the nurses' station had Connie wandering what was going on. She waltzed through the department no differently to how she would have when she was in charge of it.

Jacob leant up against the wall ahead of her and she noticed several other members of staff standing around pretending to do things. She rolled her eyes wandering where the hell Elle was and why she thought it was okay for the staff to be doing nothing.

Then she noticed their esteemed clinical lead. She stood facing a patient she recognised all too well in an argument. "Jacob?" "Hey sweet cheeks-" "Want to explain why you and everyone else in the department is standing around watching like it's a show?"

Jacob watched as she raised an eyebrow looking up at him. "This has been going on for at least 10 minutes now..." Connie sighed looking back at the growing crowd. "Right everyone back to work, now." The gathered staff quickly dispersed as Connie turned back to Jacob. "Fill me in?"

The pair walked forwards before Jacob stopped reaching for Connie's wrist. She turned back to look at him frowning, unsure of what he wanted. "Be careful, I can watch my boss get angry with a slightly dangerous patient but not my girlfriend."

A small smile fell to her lips and that was enough for him. He let go allowing her to turn back walking towards the commotion.

"You need to sit down or you will not be treated!" "I want to speak to the boss, the one in charge-" "You are. Now sit down or I'll have security remove you from the building." The patient slowly became agitated before lunging forwards towards Elle. "You're lying! You're not the one-" "Miss Adams, it's okay."

The patients head snapped up towards Connie who was sporting a warm smile which did not go unnoticed by Noel and the others at reception. "You need to calm down for me-" "But she's lying to me-" "Claire, it's okay. You were asking for me, now I'll agree to help if you help me first."

She was quiet for a moment before stepping backwards and nodding. Connie moved closer as the patient sat down before looking to her. Elle stood back baffled at why she was all of a sudden listening to Connie.

"Mrs Beauchamp, a word?" Connie didn't look back while speaking. "Can't it wait?" "No." Connie sighed before the patient spoke quietly to her. "You let her talk to you like that? Can't you sack her-" "I wish... Jacob?" He moved forwards before listening to Connie.

"You trust me Claire? Okay, then this is Jacob he's going to wait with you while I talk to the other doctor quickly. I'll be right back okay." Connie stood up thanking Jacob before following Elle into her office.

Jacob smiled trying to ease the situation. "So you know Connie?" "Yeah, she's the only doctor who believed me when I came here. She helped you know, when everyone else just assumed I was some junkie off the street." Jacob smiled warmly. "I know. She's good like that."

"Care to explain why you're taking me away from a vulnerable patient?" Elle scoffed folding her arms. "I don't appreciate you stepping in to embarrass me, don't forget whose decision it was to leave the job."

Connie mimicked Elle's stance. "You clearly could not cope and were too out of your depth based on the 10 minute argument you had infront of several patients and staff Dr Gardner, I had absolutely no intention to 'embarrass' you but to keep a confused and vulnerable patient from being thrown out."

"She is clearly wasting our time, there is nothing wrong with her other than a severe come down-" "And you can tell that from what assessment exactly?" Elle dropped her hands to her sides before sitting down. "I do not need you to tell me how to do my job-" "Clearly you do..."

Connie turned away walking towards the door before stopping Elle from speaking. "Meet Claire Adams, not our resident drunk or drug user but a young girl suffering from serious mental health issues. So no I do not have time for this because a scared 19 year old is currently sitting in reception confused and agitated by your wrong doing!"

Slamming the door Claire and Jacob's heads lifted to see Connie moving towards them. "Charlie, is small resus clear?" "Cleared a few minutes ago." She smiled back before moving to Claire. "Let's get you somewhere private shall we? I know a great doctor and a mediocre nurse who can help."

Claire stood up reluctantly while Connie put an arm protectively around her shoulders. Connie smirked as Jacob became offended. "I guess she means you? What did you do wrong-" "Oh that is a long list, how long have you got?"

Elle watched from the window which didn't go unnoticed by Connie who made sure to give back the same look she was receiving. Another hour passed and Connie's shift was over long ago.

"Con your shift's finished-" "It's fine, I'll go once Claire's moved upstairs." Jacob nodded before she spoke up. "'Con'? She must like you, the only person I've ever heard call her by her name left here red faced with his head hanging."

Connie sat on a stool before Claire treating her arm while Jacob stood the other side of the bed. "Well, that dragon you knew's going a little soft-" "Mrs Beauchamp? I'll believe it when I see it." Jacob smiled noticing Connie glancing up at him with a small smile before refocusing on her arm.

"Actually the mediocre nurse happens to be my partner... So no, I'm not soft. And I'm not boss anymore or Mrs Beauchamp to you." Claire smiled nodding. "I'm sorry, I guess the other doctor got her way then-" "But I got my little girl back, it was worth it."

By 9 o'clock Connie was slowly walking through the corridor when Jacob stepped out of the staffroom. "You ready sweet cheeks?" Connie smiled leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around her. "Definitely, I need bed and coffee in that order."

Jacob laughed before they heard a voice from behind them. "Thank you Connie." The smile only grew further on her face when she noticed Elle standing in the doorway of her office. "You're welcome Claire, I'll come and see how you're doing tomorrow."

The couple turned back to the exit and began making their way outside. "You were amazing today you know-" "I know... Thank you. It's good to know I still have you on my side." Jacob laced his fingers through hers with a smile. "I think you have a lot more people on your side than you think now Elle's in charge."

"Well she can keep it." "So you're not even considering Hansen's offer of taking it back?" Connie stopped and faced him keeping hold of his hand. "There is no choice to be made. You and Grace, that's all I need..." He smiled leaning down to kiss her as she wrapped an arm around his neck.

They pulled apart finishing the walk to her car. "Oh and the smug feeling I get when I see Elle pissed with something I've done." Jacob couldn't help but laugh before they got into the car and went home for the evening.

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