Struggling On

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"Mum? Mum!" Connie looked up from her paperwork to see Grace sitting opposite her with an angered expression. "Did you even listen to what I said?"

Connie had been distant ever since the call out to the entrapment and people were beginning to notice. "Mum, are you okay?" "I'm fine sweetheart, just tired. That doesn't look like homework."

Grace rolled her eyes becoming the spitting image of her mother. "I haven't got any, and it's too early for homework anyway." Connie sighed as Grace dropped her eyes to her tablet once again.

Connie had loved having Grace home again but it had been getting increasingly difficult for her to cope recently. There was a slight knock at the door before someone entered.

"Hey firecracker how is it going?" Grace glared across at Connie who was purposefully keeping her eyes on her computer. "Fine." The blunt response didn't go unnoticed by Jacob but he brushed it off ignoring it.

He lifted his eyes to Connie who hadn't spoken a word. "Patient in cubicles that needs a doctor-" "Can't Dr Hanna or Dr Keogh do it?" Jacob nodded. "They could, but they're both busy."

Connie huffed before grabbing her stethoscope and glancing to her watch. "Grace the taxi will be here soon, go wait by reception."  They left the office, Connie placing a quick kiss to the top of Grace's head before they parted ways.

Jacob waited patiently before keeping pace with Connie. "She's definitely your daughter... Got the death stare and grumpy attitude down to a tee." Connie glanced at him sideways only helping to prove his point even further.

After what seemed like an eternity to Connie she stepped out of the cubicle and returned to her office. Working with Jacob recently had been harder ever since she'd admitted out loud how she felt.

Talking to Charlie had possibly been the best and worst thing she could have done. She remained at her desk staring into the distance as she considered so many different things.

Jacob glanced to her office all day. No matter what he did at the moment, she was all that consumed his mind. "Jacob mate fancy coming to the pub tonight?"

"Yeah, why not."  Connie came out of her office unbeknown to Jacob who was deep in conversation with Cal. "Never know, maybe you'll find the girl of your dreams... Well it's a long shot but you can find a girl at least."

She couldn't help the jealousy that seemed to roar through her at the thought of Jacob being with someone else, sleeping with someone else. She had no right to stop it but it didn't mean she didn't think about trying to.

Connie was oblivious to Charlie catching up to her. "You know, telling him how you feel might not be as bad as you think-" "Please I don't need a lecture right now..." "No lecture. I'm just worried about you."

Charlie forced a smile as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I care about you and I want you to be happy." Connie nodded with a faint smile but it faded as soon as Charlie walked away.

Happy. What even was that? And how the hell could she be happy when the only person who could do so was the only person she couldn't be around.

Jacob had witnessed the brief interaction between Connie and Charlie before watching her slip away down a quiet corridor. He stood debating with himself for a few minutes before deciding to ignore the logical thing to do.

Connie leant against the wall of the corridor with her head resting backwards. She took a few deep breaths and let go of them slowly as she tried to shake thoughts of Jacob from her mind. Just forget about him. It's not like he loved you anyway.

"Hey, it's not like you to be slacking down quiet corridors." Connie glanced to Jacob as a small laugh fell from her lips. "Yeah, well we can't all be perfect can we?" Jacob smiled as he rest against the wall a short distance from her.

"I do try, I'm glad you noticed my complete perfection-" "In your dreams maybe." Connie smile as Jacob fiend being hurt. "Ouch, get me where it hurts-" "Please your ego is too inflated for my comments to make any difference-" "Hmm... Yeeeeah, you're right."

Jacob smirked as Connie rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips ever so slightly upturned. He sighed watching as Connie kept her back rested against the wall.

"Haven't you got work to be doing Staff Nurse Masters?" "Haven't you Mrs Beauchamp?" Connie looked out of the corner of her eye at him with a raised eyebrow. "Really?" Jacob smiled as she sighed standing up.

Connie moved to walk away but Jacob caught her hand. "Con, can we just talk? All I want to do, is talk." She didn't try to move her hand from his or walk away but she was reluctant to agree.

She avoided eye contact at all costs until he moved and she lifted her eyes to his. "We don't have anything to talk about. I need to get back, I have a meeting and there is definitely things you should be doing Staff Nurse Masters."

Connie pulled her hand back with ease and walked back along the corridor. Jacob surrendered falling back to the wall with a huff. Connie paused briefly at the end of the corridor as her eyes fell to a defeated Jacob. She hated the sight but finally he was beginning to lose hope of there ever being a 'them'. It was exactly what she needed but not what she wanted, yet that didn't matter. Grace was what mattered and whatever she needed, Connie had to deal with.

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