We Can Do This

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Jacob spent the rest of his shift and the following hours wandering what he could do to show Connie he wasn't going anywhere. No matter what.

He knew that Connie hadn't wanted to end things with him, and it was now clear that there was only one possible explanation for that. So Grace didn't want them together for whatever reason. It didn't mean that they couldn't be, whatever he could do to be with her he'd do it.

He checked the time before grabbing his keys and leaving. He drove in the direction of Connie's but it wasn't until he was sat outside that he realised Grace would obviously be here.

Jacob sighed to himself before heading to her door anyway. What he needed to say couldn't wait, he had to see her.

Inside Connie was sat one end of the sofa, Grace the other with the TV on. Neither spoke, but just sat quietly together. Connie wasn't sure what there was to say anymore. Grace had made it clear how she felt about her making time for anyone else and she didn't see what she could do to change that.

There was a quiet knock at the door causing Connie's eyes to fall to her phone where she'd expected to check the time. "I'll go Mum." Instead she saw a text message causing her to jump up from the sofa before Grace could. "I'll get it... It's late, I don't want you at the door at this time sweetheart."

Grace nodded settling back down while Connie disappeared opening the front door to be met with Jacob. She pulled the door too behind her as she watched his eyes scan over her.

Her hair messily fell around her shoulders and her face was left with the little make up from the day. She was in a small pair of pyjama shorts and a vest top causing Jacob to smile.

"What are you doing here!?" Connie spoke quietly glancing towards the windows beside them looking into the living room. All it would take was Grace to stand up and glance out to know something was going on.

"Con I know that Grace made you end this. I know she doesn't want you to be with me, and I get it-" "No Jacob, no you don't because if you did you wouldn't be here now putting me in this position." Connie spat bitterly and Jacob watched her seething with anger but he could see underneath all that. The upset and pain she was really in having to pretend that she was alright with this.

Jacob took another step closer to be standing before her. She stood up properly to be face to face with him. A smile passed his lips as he noticed how much shorter she was than normal. "What's funny now-" "You, without your heels. Not something even I saw often, only time I did you were lying on your back."

Connie's cheeks flushed red as she hit his chest. A smile crossed both their faces before Connie remembered Grace in the living room. "Jacob I can't risk her leaving me-" "I know. So we don't tell her."

Jacob watched as Connie looked surprised at what he was saying. "Wh-" "Me and you, I want this more than anything else I've ever had. You've got something I need and I'm not ready to give that up. Even if it means it's something just between us."

In the time of him talking he'd pressed himself closer to Connie and lifted his hand to the back of her head. He leant down and kissed her passionately, Connie having no time to act on it.

He pulled away stepping down the steps. "I'm going to wait out here, text me when Grace is in bed-" "Wait Jacob..." She spoke in a whisper not wanting to alert Grace to what was going on.

He turned back to face her as she took a step closer to him, still keeping the front door propped open with the other foot. She leant forwards placing a hand on his shoulder as she did so. Her lips gently meeting with his as she kissed him.

She parted sooner than Jacob had wished but watched as she retreated back. "I'll wait okay." Connie smiled as he disappeared down the road while she headed back inside to Grace. "Who was it Mum?" "Oh just someone trying to get me to buy something..."

Grace returned her attention to the TV as Connie picked up her phone smiling as she noticed another text. "I know you probably think I'm either insane or lying but I promise you I'm neither... I want you and if nobody else can know then that's the way I'll have it."

Connie locked her phone only to see Grace watching her. "What?" Connie shrugged as Grace continued to look at her. "Who are you talking to?" "No one, why'd you assume that?" "Because you don't smile at your phone for no reason Mum."

She sighed turning her phone around. Grace smiled before sitting down quietly after seeing the picture of the two of them on the beach smiling. "Now I think it's about time you went to bed, you have school in the morning and I have work-" "But Muuuuuum-" "But nothing Grace, come on I'll take you up."

Grace was in the bathroom while Connie went to her bedroom window and looked out onto the street. She hadn't noticed it earlier but now, from up here, she could see his car parked a couple of houses down from hers.

"What's outside-" "Nothing sweetheart. You ready for bed?" Grace nodded as Connie walked beside her, her arm delicately placed across her shoulders. Grace hopped into bed as Connie perched on the edge. "I'll see you in the morning alright, I love you-" "I love you too Mum."

Connie smiled watching as Grace rolled over before she turned the light out and closed the door. She wandered back downstairs and picked her phone up from the table telling Jacob to come back. Wandering back to the front door Connie pulled it open slightly and watched him walk up to her.

"Whatever you have to say you need to make it quick and quiet Jacob, she'll flip if she knows you're here." Jacob nodded "Okay..." He stepped forwards lifting his hands either side of her face as his lips came crashing down onto hers. Connie didn't put up any fight but just moved her arms around his neck as she pushed the door too behind him gently.

Jacob's back pressed against the front door as his hands wandered across her body, skimming across her curves. Connie moaned against his lips as he deepened the kiss once again before pulling her lips away. "Jacob-" he lent down and kissed her again cutting her off.

Connie kissed him back before regaining herself once more. "Grace could come down here and see us. I'm sorry, I don't like this anymore than you do. We can't do this-" "We can, we just have to be careful about it. I'm not giving you up without a fight Connie, not again."

Jacob didn't move his eyes from hers. He lifted a hand to her cheek, tracing along her cheek bone before pushing her hair back behind her ear. "I love you Connie Beauchamp and I can't walk away without you knowing how I feel about you."

Connie watched him before pushing herself up and latching her lips onto his. Jacob kept a hand placed to her cheek as the other became entangled in her hair.

Her own hands moved to the bottom of his shirt before she pulled apart from him and lifted it over his head. She wrapped an arm around his neck as she pulled him back to her lips.

Connie let Jacob's hands grip her waist and pull her as close to him as he could. She deepened the kiss before feeling his hands slide down to her thighs and trace along the bare skin sending shivers up her spine.

She pulled her lips away from his taking his hand and moving through the house. Jacob pulled her back turning her to face him at the bottom of the stairs. "Are you sure-" Connie stepped forwards allowing her lips to collide with his before she looked up at him.

They went upstairs and into her bedroom before closing the door behind them. Connie locked it behind her and turned around to Jacob who was immediately behind her. He dropped his hands down to her thighs and lifted her up, pushing her back against the door.

Connie wrapped her legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss lifting her top up and over her head. He threw it down to the floor before kissing her again and carrying her over to the bed. Jacob pressed her down to it as she looked up at him. Nothing running through her mind except how much she wanted to be with him as she wrapped her arms around his neck again.

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