Settling Down

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3 months later...

Connie wandered through the corridor, her phone to her ear. "Then you heard correctly... Elliot do you really think I'd have let the giant Swede push me out of the job? No, exactly. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of that."

She continued along the corridor until she reached her office. Pushing the door open she walked in and dropped her stethoscope to the desk. "Everything's fine Elliot... No I'm not ill or dying don't be absurd. I did this for Grace..."

From out of the window she noticed Jacob coming along the corridor. "... For myself." He stood leaning against the doorframe smiling as he watched her. "Listen I'll call you later, I need to get Grace from school- Yes you heard me properly. Good bye Elliot."

Connie threw her phone down to the desk and spoke without turning around. "That man can drive me insane sometimes... You going to just stand in my doorway all day?"

Jacob's smile grew as he noticed Connie smiling over at him. "Afternoon beautiful, you off to get Grace?" "Mmm, figured I'd walk to get her while the weather's nice." She let his arms fall to her waist as he leant down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

Connie and Jacob hadn't managed an awful lot of time alone together in the recent months. Working fewer hours meant they saw less of each other throughout the day.

At home, time had been entirely invested into Grace. She was trying so hard to make up for all the time she wasted, and things were great between them.

Grace had opened up to Jacob and enjoyed having him over. The 3 of them had days together and Jacob was glad to have both girls in his life again.

Connie however was beginning to feel she was drifting. The time her and Jacob used to spend together seemed to be one of the things she enjoyed about them and now there was no more of that.

"Con?" "Hmm..." "You okay? I spoke to you for a good few minutes and you weren't listening." Jacob rested his hands on her arms. "Do you want to come with me to get Grace? Give us a chance to talk."

Jacob laughed hugging her. "What do we need to talk about? We're always talking-" "Yeah. You're right... Forget I asked. I need to go." Connie pulled out of his arms grabbing her phone and bag before walking out with a brief forced smile.

Jacob let out a breath unsure of what he had said before noticing her keys on the table. He grabbed them wandering back into the department.

Connie left the hospital quicker than she ever had claiming she was running late but Grace didn't finish for 45 minutes. All she wanted was some fresh air and a few minutes with Jacob but he couldn't even do that.

As she walked along the street she began to think about her relationship with Jacob. Maybe giving up her job wasn't the best choice. He made her happy, incredibly so yet she was contemplating if it was the right decision.

She was so deep in thought she hadn't noticed someone jogging behind her. They fell into step with her still unnoticed until they spoke. "You might not get too far without these."

Connie's eyes darted to Jacob as he held out her keys. They'd stopped walking and she stood facing him. "Thanks but you could have text me. I'm early anyway." She moved to take them but he held onto her hand instead.

"That walk and talk you wanted. Is it still on offer?" Connie rolled her eyes with a smile before feeling his fingers lace through hers as they began to walk again.

They took the long route towards the school slowly walking across the top of the bay. "You know that I love you don't you?" He waited for a response, beginning to panic when she didn't answer.

"Because there isn't anyone else in this world who makes me as happy as you do... So if I've done something to upset you-" "No... No, no you haven't. I know you love me and I love you too..." Jacob sighed looking up at her. "But..."

She forced a smile as they stopped on the dockside. "Not a but... I just feel like something's changed about us." Jacob frowned as he watched Connie let go of his hand and move closer to the bay.

He watched her for a moment. Connie sighed leaning forwards against the fence. "We barely get a moment to talk anymore. It's always pushed to one side like what we have to say doesn't matter anymore."

"Then what do you have to say because for weeks you've been quiet." He moved beside her waiting for an answer but received none. "I don't understand you... I spend more time with you and Grace but you're not happy with that?"

Connie continued to look out at the water as Jacob stepped closer. "I know you and I know there's more to this than us not talking sweet cheeks." Jacob heard Connie's sharp intake of breath before noticing the glistening in her eyes. "Hey, hey, hey come on this isn't like you." He turned Connie to face him, stepping into her line of sight. "It's nothing-" "Do not brush me off sweet cheeks."

"Twice in one conversation? Now that's strange-" "You've lost me..." Connie forced a smile sighing. "Sweet cheeks... I can't remember the last time you said that to me." Jacob frowned unsure as to why it bothered her. "You always used to tell me not to call you that-" "Yeah well I'm not your boss anymore am I!? I'm your girlfriend, not that it seems to matter."

Jacob reached forwards placing his hands on her arms. "Woah, of course that matters. What are you saying? That you don't want that anymore? Is that why you wanted me to come? Is that why you're saying all this-" "I'm saying it because I miss you!"

Connie was quiet as she knew she'd need to explain. "Miss me?" "Yes Jacob, I miss your idiotic self. I miss the time we had together, I miss your stupid names, I miss being so wound up by you that you had to persuade me not to fire you... I miss us."

Jacob laced his fingers with hers looking down at her. "Why didn't you say so Queen B?" "Because. I didn't want you to think I was being stupid." He smiled as she reluctantly looked at him. "Would I ever? Look. Me and you, it's all I want. We're still us, just a new version. Instead of being my sexy boss, you're my gorgeous girlfriend with a beautiful daughter, who I want to spend the rest of my life with, protecting and caring for." Connie dropped her gaze to her hands before Jacob pulled her close.

"I love you Connie Beauchamp." She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. "If you want more time together, then that's what we'll do starting now..."

Connie lifted her head with a small smile. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Please, I know Grace is staying at her friends tonight. How about you and I make our own plans for a sleepover at mine? Just like before."

A smile graced her features with a small nod. "I'd like that-" "Alright then Beau-champ-" "Now you're pushing your luck." Jacob laughed as he pressed his lips to hers. Connie melted into him, returning the kiss with equal force.

Connie's hands slipped over his shoulders and around his neck as his went to her waist. She parted from his lips with a smile looking at him before he spoke. "Ready to get Grace?" "Just one more thing." She pulled the front of his shirt until their lips crashed together once again.

Connie dropped her hand to take hold of his breaking away from his lips. "I love you." "I love you too Connie. And always will." He turned away beginning to walk as she fell into step beside him smiling before leaning into his side, his arm firmly wrapped around her middle.

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