Burried Alive

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It had been almost two weeks. Two whole weeks of awkward encounters and brief conversations that neither wanted to be involved in. Jacob could no longer see a way of being able to persuade her to rethink her decision and Connie was beginning to think that Jacob had given up on her. Yes that's what she had wanted but she thought he might try and fight harder.

She sat at her desk going through the random pieces of paperwork she had to complete until Charlie was standing in her door. "Hey-" "Hey, you got time for a break?"

Connie glanced at her paperwork and sighed before Charlie spoke up again. "Can't tempt you with a coffee? My treat..." She let go of the breath she'd been holding with a small smile as she pushed away from the desk and grabbed her coat.

Charlie lingered by her office door as Connie closed it to. "How's Grace settling into school?" Connie nodded as she spoke not entirely sure. "Yeah good, she seems to be happy."

Her eyes darted across reception as she spoke which didn't go unnoticed by Charlie. "And are you? Happy I mean." Connie visibly tensed as she slowly let go of her breath. That was all the answer he needed, although he'd had an idea of how she'd respond anyway.

"Of course I'm happy, I've got my little girl home again... It's perfect." She went quiet as she finished her sentence. Charlie nodded as they entered the small coffee shop and he paid for their drinks.

It warmed up her hands as they slowly wandered towards the entrance. The cool breeze whipped through her hair as she ran a hand through it before pulling her coat tighter.

Charlie stopped beside the bench as she sat down before perching beside her. "Come on Connie, I know this isn't you." She looked off into the distance before dropping her eyes to her hands.

"Charlie I don't know what you want me to say..." They sat in silence for a few minutes before Connie spoke up and broke it. "I love him." It was almost inaudible she spoke so quietly. "I love him and I can't have him. Charlie what am I supposed to do?"

All her emotions were coming to the surface as tears sprung to her eyes. "Oh Connie." He had an arm around her as she let her forehead rest against his shoulder, tears slowly falling.

They remained that way for a while before she sat up and ran a hand across her cheeks. "Look at me, you've turned me into a mess." A small laugh came from her lips as Charlie smiled at her.

After a while longer Connie had explained things to Charlie and felt a small weight lift off her shoulders. "Thank you." They walked back towards the hospital entrance and towards her office.

Again Connie looked across the department unsure of whether she was happy she couldn't see him or not. "You know, I think you need to talk. You've both got a lot of unspoken feelings, don't leave it that way. Burying your feelings only buries you alive."

Charlie walked away leaving Connie standing by her office alone. The ED phone began to ring and when no one appeared to be answering it Dylan picked it up.

Connie wasn't really listening until something caught her attention. "Hmm... Okay... Umm did you say Masters? Jacob Masters?" Her eyes darted towards Dylan as she strode across the department beckoning for the phone. "Dylan I'll take it... Right this is Connie Beauchamp, what's happened?"

Jacob had assisted Jez and Iain to an abandoned building where someone had become trapped. "Where's that med team Jez?" "On their way apparently..." Jacob scoffed before responding. "What are they doing crawling over here-" "I got here as fast as I could."

Her voice. Why did it have to be her? Jacob scanned his eyes over Connie in the green paramedics suit. God she looked good in that. He pulled his thoughts away from that as worry set in. This place wasn't safe and now the woman he loved was in here too.

The floor beneath them creaked causing Jacob to look about the room. "We need to do this sooner rather than later-" "Yeah thank you Staff Nurse Masters I had assumed that." Iain glanced to Jacob as he rolled his eyes at Connie's snappy attitude.

"Right can we get him on the board and out of here as quick as possible please." Iain nodded as they all slid the patient across onto a spinal board. "Okay we've got this, you two okay to follow?" Connie nodded as Jacob spoke. "Yeah fine, we'll be right behind."

"Let me help you up..." Jacob extended a hand to Connie but she just shook her head and got herself up. They began to walk when he spoke. "That's it, what you can't even bare to look at me now?" "Not here Jacob."

He scoffed as he followed her before reaching for her hand. "Then where because nothing's right for you is it? Nothing's ever good enough." Connie spun round to look at him realising they were closer than she'd anticipated.

"That's not true-" "Yeah well you could have fooled me." Connie sighed as the floor began to creak beneath them. "Can we just get out of here before you start all this again."

Jacob wasn't about to protest against that. He nodded as they left the room. "Why'd you do it Con? I thought we were getting somewhere..." Connie remained quiet as they walked through the building. "Did I do something wrong?" "No-" "So you just woke up one morning and decided this wasn't for you?"

Connie sighed stopping to face him. She raised her eyes to meet his as her breath caught in her throat. Jacob took a step closer before placing his hand gently on her cheek. He caressed the line of her cheekbone as he watched tears brim in her eyes.

"Jacob, please-" he leant forwards and placed his lips on hers gently before pulling away almost as quickly as he came. "We can't, please can we just get out of here?"

Ahead of them the floor was unstable and as soon as Connie placed a foot down it disappeared beneath her. A scream left her lips as Jacob reached forwards and grabbed her hand.

"Help me, Jacob help me!" He struggled to keep hold of her as she dangled through the gap in the floor. "You need to let go and take my other hand."

Panic spread across her face as she let her eyes fall to the floor below her. She could die right here and now. "CONNIE! Listen to me... I need you to trust me, okay? I'm not gonna let you go... I'm not gonna let you fall."

She nodded before reluctantly letting go as Jacob's hand reached for hers. He pulled her up before wrapping a strong arm around her waist as soon as he could.

Jacob kept his arms snaked around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breathing was erratic and she was no longer trying to hold back her tears. "Hey, come on sweet cheeks don't cry. You're safe, I'll always make sure you're safe."

She continued to sob into his shoulder as he cradled her. Jacob pressed his lips to her temple before holding onto her properly. "I'm getting you out of here now." He walked from the room with her held tightly to his chest.

As they began to reach daylight Jacob put Connie down but didn't let her walk away. "You had me scared back there..." Her eyes reached his and lingered there for a moment before he could see the tears building in her eyes.

"Con I-" "MUM!" Connie's head darted around to where her daughters voice had come from. She ran from the building and wrapped her arms around Grace. "Mum you're okay-" "I'm fine baby, I love you."

Connie pressed a kiss to Grace's head as they remained wrapped together. Jacob watched from a distance annoyed that again he was interrupted. He noticed Connie looking to him as she spoke hugging Grace.

He wasn't sure if it was just where he was watching from or if it was intentional but he was sure that what she was saying wasn't meant for Grace.

Connie wanted to tell him so badly. She wanted him, all of him and to be able to never let go but it wasn't possible. All she wanted was to tell him. "I love you so much..."

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