Finding Out

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Connie found herself wandering aimlessly through the department checking that everything was running as smoothly as it could in an emergency department. She wandered past the staffroom seeing several members of staff in there laughing at something which had been said.

Jacob strolled out of the staffroom and caught up to her. "Something you wanted Staff Nurse Masters?" "Depends what you're offering Mrs Beauchamp."

Connie rolled her eyes as she kept walking noticing Jacob speed up as she did. "Taking a break?" "Doing your job?" Jacob laughed as he didn't let anything she said deter him. It wasn't until they stopped beside her office that he reached forwards. "Seriously, what's going on and please don't tell me nothing."

An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as her eyes fell to his hand gently placed on her wrist. She let his hand fall down taking hold of hers and lacing their fingers together. "Are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to annoy you until you give in?" Connie lifted her eyes to meet his, she'd planned on brushing him off and saying she'd talk later but as she looked up at him she couldn't.

"I need to get these results back, then we'll talk. Meet me upstairs in 10 minutes." She smiled warmly before pulling her hand free from his and turning her back entering her office.

Jacob backed away slowly glancing into her office window once more to see her looking back at him. Connie immediately dropped her head and tried hiding the smile that was on her lips. Jacob watched with the same smile as she pushed her hair back behind her ear trying to distract herself.

By the time Connie had finished with the results she needed to chase up, Jacob had started to make his way out of the department. He noticed her leaning against the railings looking down over the department as he made his way up the stairs.

Connie had seen Jacob leave the department but didn't move her  eyes from where she was looking. Jacob stood next to her mimicking her actions of leaning against the railing.

"Found your next victim to attack yet?" Connie ignored him as she continued to look down towards the ED. "Oh come on Connie, you can't avoid me forever-" "I never said I was avoiding you, you did." She let her eyes flick up to him beside her so that he could see the small smile that was almost invisible.

Jacob sighed glancing down to the floor beneath them. "What's wrong then Beauchamp?" Connie smirked as she lifted her head up once again to look at Jacob. She watched as he took a step closer to her, a small part of her hoping he'd close the remaining space.

"So, why are you avoiding me-" "I have not been avoiding you, if anything you haven't been coming anywhere near me. Not since..." "Since what?" Connie let her head fall to one side as she looked up at him. "Since we last spent the night together."

Understanding finally registered across Jacob's face before he turned his back on Connie and wandered down the corridor. It was a small thing but it knocked the breath from Connie. Was he really walking away, just like that without any answer.

She was about to turn away before seeing him stop further down the corridor beside a door which he had pushed open. "Come on, you're not getting away with this that easily..." She rolled her eyes glancing along the empty corridor before wandering past him into the room.

Connie sat down on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. Jacob locked the door before spinning round and kneeling down before her. He took hold of her hands in his and looked up at her.

"Why would you ever think I was avoiding you?" Connie continued to look at him but didn't talk. "As for not talking to you, I figured you had wanted some space after what happened... I didn't want to force anything on you."

Connie shook her head taking hold of his hand. "You wouldn't be pushing anything onto me, and I don't want space Jacob." He watched as she didn't move her eyes from his as she spoke again, her voice almost a whisper. "I just want to be happy again."

He continued to watch her for a moment longer before kneeling up and pushing his lips to hers gently. They grazed her across her bottom lip before he watched her for some kind of response.

Connie let go of his hand and moved them to the back of his neck as Jacob pushed his lips back onto hers again, this time deepening the kiss as he pressed her back down against the bed.

Jacob crawled above her as she trailed her hands across his shoulders and to his back. Connie moaned against his lips as his hands fell down her body, pushing up the white blouse so that his fingers could caress her waist.

Soon enough Jacob's white uniform was laying on the floor as he knelt above Connie. His lips crashing back down onto hers again while his hands worked on the buttons of her blouse. He nudged it open as she lay down against the bed.

Jacob's hands trailed over her breasts and grasped her petit waist. He lifted Connie up to straddle his waist causing a small laugh to escape her lips. Her hands pressed down on his shoulders as she kissed him, her blouse hanging open. Jacob's arms were wrapped around her waist before he undid the zip of her skirt.

He slipped his hands into the back of her skirt pushing it down so that his hands skimmed over the lace material of her underwear. Connie lifted herself up as Jacob let the skirt fall to the floor.

She sat across his lap once again, his hand grasping at her thighs as the other wound itself up in her hair. Connie ran her hands down his bare chest sending shivers down his spine. He finally gave in and pressed himself down above her as her eyes met his. "I lo-" "Shut up and kiss me Jacob."

The next time Connie had seen him was at the end of her shift. She stood beside the nurses station stealing glances at him, just as he did to her. Things had been quiet in the department for Connie over the last week.

Jacob had wanted to talk to her, had wanted to be with her but he couldn't help but feel there was something she still wasn't telling him. And there was. Connie couldn't tell him the reason they wouldn't work, the reason she couldn't be happy with him at least not in public.

Jacob had tried understanding. Tried working out what it could possibly be holding her back but every time he came up blank. Everything had happened as she had wanted it to, hadn't it?

Connie herself couldn't completely understand why she wasn't happier with their situation. It wasn't until Grace arrived at the hospital after school that she was reminded once again.

"Hey Mum-" "Hey sweetheart how was school today?" Grace lifted her eyes to see Jacob watching them. Connie could see the change in Grace instantly and let her eyes follow her daughters gaze.

Connie closed her eyes sighing turning her attention back to Grace. "Grace come on-" "You did tell him didn't you?" "Sweetheart please, not now." Jacob rounded the desk and smiled once again. "Afternoon firecracker, good day?" "Fine."

Connie found herself glaring at Grace as she was abrupt to Jacob. It didn't go unnoticed by him but he chose not to bring it up. "This just needed signing before you leave sweet cheeks-" "It's Mrs Beauchamp, Staff Nurse Masters. Always has been, always will be."

She watched his emotions change and knew what she'd said had affected him. "I hear you. Loud and clear, Mrs Beauchamp." Grace had turned away but Connie's eyes remained focused on his. She briefly held onto his hand when passing the file back which caught his attention. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Before he could ask what she was apologising for she was walking out after Grace. All he could do was stand and watch them leave wandering why Connie's mood had changed all of a sudden. And then it slowly dawned on him, the only factor that had changed. Grace.

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