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Mulder's POV
I never went home. I've looked everywhere for Scully and I don't seem to be progressing. I feel the urge of tears wanting to poor out of my eyes, but I try to fight it. 'Where could she have gone? I don't understand.' I'm beginning to feel frustrated. I haven't gotten any sleep in the past two days.  I try and think of what to do next, and then I find myself opening my laptop and clicking on "phone finder." "That should work? Maybe? If she even has her phone on her?" I look at the screen as a red dot appears in her apartment. "Dammit."

I jump as Skinner opens the doors to my silent office. "Mulder, I've got lots of people on this case. They're out looking for her now. You should go home and get some rest."

"I can't, sir. I feel like I'll loose her if I even take a minute break."

"Don't be ridiculous. I bet she's fine, she's Scully for Christ's sake. She can tear someone apart with her eyes closed." I smile at that last comment, but it fades away for I know this time she might not be fighting someone off, but defending herself from something or someone dangerous. I need to find her. Now.


Scully's POV
My eyes tear open and I find myself tied up on a chair, my mouth still duck-taped, the only thing that has changed is the fact that my hands weren't tied up anymore, but handcuffed. The room was small and above me was a light that seemed to be dying as it flickered on and off. I don't know what to do. There's nothing in the room to help me un-handcuff myself, for the room was completely empty. I sit there for a long while until I hear the door being unlocked and the knob twisting open. Standing in the door before me was indeed my ex, and I can't say that I'm surprised that he would do this, but I'm terrified.

"Hello, again, Dana. You kind of passed out back there." He says with a laugh that makes me sick to my stomach. "How is my favorite girl?" He walks towards me and rips the duck-tape off of my mouth. I wince and answer back.

"You bastard! Why are you doing this?!" I screech at him. He looks at me unfazed.

"You've been a bad girl, Dana. I'm gonna make you pay."

"What did I do?!"

"You ran away from me! You called the cops on me, Dana! I did my time! Now you have to face the consequences!" I look at him in disbelief.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Untie me right now you evil son of a bitch! You're fucking crazy!" I try and kick my self free but nothing budged.

"Calm down, Dana. Everything will be fine. For me anyways." He smiled mischievously. "You think you can forget about me and run off with your perfect, handsome, tall partner of yours?"

'Mulder, oh my god, Mulder. He must be so worried.' "What makes you think you can rule my life?" He pulls something out of his pocket.

"This." He holds out a knife in front of me and I swallow. Hard. "You are mine, Dana. You won't be going anywhere."

I'm sorry, it's late dnakejeajsn

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