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Mulder's POV
Scully and I ran to my car, ignoring the looks we got in the hallways, running like little kids in hotels. I was confident we could get this guy. I mean, how could he beat both Scully and I. I saw him before and yeah he's tall, but he's pretty scrawny compared to me. I realize that Scully's car is in the garage too, and I can't just let her leave it there.

"Scully, take your car. I'll meet you at your apartment." She takes the keys from her pocket and starts to walk to her car besides mine.

"You got it." She gives me one last smile and we part ways.

After a few miles on the road, Scully's car got lost, stuck behind a ton of cars behind me. Good thing she knows where her apartment is. I laugh at my own thoughts. I'm so glad I have Dana in my life. If I didn't, I'm sure I would've gone crazy already. Two more miles. Coming up on a red light, I see a car come towards me on the opposite side of the road. What the hell? Going 70 mph, it runs right into me, flipping my car off the road. My ears are ringing and my eyes are blurred. I can't feel my body, I must've gone in shock. Next thing I knew, my car stopped and my eyes shut.

Scully's POV

I arrived at my apartment 20 minutes ago. Mulder was ahead of me. Maybe he went out to get an errand before we catch this guy? I try to relieve myself with my thoughts, but I knew they were incorrect. I give him a call and there was no ringing, just a beeping sound, which is odd, and only happens when your phone breaks. "Dammit!" I give Skinner a call. "Sir?"


"Yeah, it's me. Is Mulder there? I can't find him anywhere. We left the Bureau a half hour ago and his car was in front of mine. He told me he would meet me at my apartment, but he isn't here, and and I can't find him, he he-"



"Mulder's not here."

"Where could he be?"

"How long has he been missing?"

"I don't know, about 20 minutes. I know they have to be missing longer, but I'm positive is."

"When he's gone 5 hours let me know."

"But Skinner!"

"No, Dana, this isn't a missing person case. Not until it has been a few hours!" I know this was a bad idea but I just hung up on him. I was too frustrated to deal with people who won't help me. Then I think back to Mulder. What if he isn't missing, but left. Left me because he doesn't want to deal with Mark. Left me. Alone.

So so so sorry


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