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Mulder's POV
I'm looking through Scully's apartment one last time for anything that I have forgotten since the last time I had checked. I come across her bedroom and I open it up slightly so I could walk in. 'It's so peaceful.' I walk up to her bed and fall onto it. I burry my face into the pillow and breathe in her sweet scent. Tears begin to wash over my eyes and I let them go, pouring them out all over the pillow, I sob.

Hours pass and I get one last look at her apartment before I leave. I pull out my phone from my pocket with my wet hands from wiping away my tears. 'Sulk up, man.' "Okay, I'm ready lets go."

"Hurry up, Mulder, we are waiting outside." Skinner replies.

"Coming." I hang up my phone and run to Skinner's car.

"You ready? Let's go find Dana."

"I've never been more ready in my whole lifetime." Skinner gives me a sympathetic smile and starts the car. I look behind me and see about 5 more trucks full of FBI agents.

Scully's POV
"You won't hurt me."

"Who says I won't?" His words strike me and I widen my eyes in fear. I don't say anything back, hoping he will leave me alone, but he doesn't, in fact, he gets closer to me and puts the knife up to my neck. "I could kill you right now, right here." I wince as he jumps up and down like a maniac.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me?" His laugh rings in my ears, and I hate it.

I don't want to die, I'm afraid. I never thought this would be it, but I think it might be. I never told Mulder how I feel. I never told him that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, and I would do anything for him. Tears build up in my eyes.

"Don't cry, Dana, it'll be over soon."

"Go to hell." That did it. He jumped to me and swung his arm and hit me across the face. I wince, and the chair falls over.

"That will do for today. Wait, wait." He comes over to me and kneels down to my face. "Sweet dreams." He drags the knife across my cheek and I can feel the blood drip off of my face. When I open my eyes, he had left. I stay there lying on the cold cement floor, face stinging, neck strained from being in this position.

"Help me Mulder." Then I drift off to sleep.

I literally never get tired of watching the x files (():

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