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Scully's POV
It's been maybe 5 hours since Mulder has passed out, and he's still in that state. There are no clocks or any digital devices that could tell me the time, and since fatigue is taking over me, I'm guessing it's a little over midnight. I can't sleep now. Not knowing if Mulder will make it through the night.

"Mulder, please wake up. Please." I start to cry, but stop quickly as I see Mulder's eyes start opening up. "Mulder!" He looks right at me and smiles, but his smile drops. I think he just realized where he was.

"Scully..." He looks down at his bloody leg, "I can't feel it. Why can't I feel it?"

"It's the adrenaline, Mulder. You'll start to feel it once the adrenaline wears off. Unfortunately." He then looks at me.

"I thinks it's starting to." He winces and grimaces. "Shit that hurts."

"It's going to be okay, Mulder." I look at him apologetically, feeling helpless. "I should've gone first. I mean, this whole thing is my fault anyways."

"What? Don't say that, Scully. None of this is your fault. It's the freak upstairs' fault."

"Yeah, but I'm the freak that went out on a date with that freak upstairs, and now look what happened."




"Stop what, Mulder?"

"Doing that to yourself. Nothing's your fault so stop believing it is. You're perfect, did you know that? No, because you're blinded by your low self-esteem, that you shouldn't have. Dana Katherine Scully, I love you so damn much. I know this isn't the most romantic place to be sharing this, but I need you to know that before I die, and right now I don't even know if I'll make it out of here alive."

"Fox William Mulder, I love you so very much, and we will make it out of here alive I'll promise you that."

"I wish I flexible enough to move over to you because I really want to kiss you right now."

Skinner's POV
"Where the hell are my agents!" I run around frantically in the hallways of the Bureau, hoping of finding my missing agents. I give the lobby a call and tell them to call every office in the building to gather everyone in the meeting room.

Once everyone's here I give them the details. "Okay, we need to find special Agent Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. I'm thinking they're back with Mark Mitchell, the man who had abducted Agent Scully earlier this year. We've been there before so let's move out!"

Scully's POV
The door starts to creek open and my breath caught in my throat. Here we go.

"Dannnaaaa." Gross. His voice is like shit. "I've brought something." He appears from behind the door and is holding metal bars in his hand. He then comes over to me and unties me from my chair and carries me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!"

"No." He pushes me up against the cold concrete wall and puts my hands over my head and sticks a metal bar on each hand into the wall. He does the same to my feet, and now I am completely pinned to the wall unable to move anything, but my head. "Did you ever want a baby, Dana?"

"Wha-AHHH!!" He stuck one of his knives into my stomach and made a small incision.

"Fuck you!!" Mulder screams.

"Shit!" Mark yells. "I'm late for....well sleep. Have fun, Dana!" He leaves and slams the door behind him.

"Mulder...this hurts like hell!"

"Scully, it's going to be okay. Please stay with me."


Hiii! It's 2 am and I decided to write a somewhat longer chapter.

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