Chapter 5: Linked

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When Nik finally drove intoe the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding house I hopped of the couch. Stefan was sitting in his room staring at an old leather bound book, another one of his journals. "Hey Stef, I got to go. See you later?" I smile popping my head into the room. "Uh, yeah. See you later Ana." He responds in a daze. With that I walk off towards the door. "Where are you going?" Damon asks as he walks past me. I send him a glare and walk past him. "Bye." I huff, closing the door behind me. "Hey Uncle Nik." I greet climbing into the black SUV. "Why were you here anyways?" He questions distastefully. I'm guessing my family isn't to fond of the Salvatores. "If I recall correctly while I was crying to no end my family was trying to sleep and that was an inconvieniance. So Being the kindhearted person he is Stefan let me stay with him." I hiss glaring at Nik harshly. "Stefan has his humanity off, he can't feel anything." Nik points out. "If that's Stefan with his humanity off I would love to see him with it on, because he seems to care more about me with no emotions than my family does with theirs on." I growl, turning to look out the window. The rest of the ride was completely silent to the point where I thought I was alone in the car.

When we arrived at the mansion I opened the car door and climbed out. With a huff I slammed it shut and stomped to the front door, swinging it wide open. Hearing the noise my family rushed to the scene ready to attack. I glare at each of them and disappear up the stairs. I grabbed an outfit and walked into the bathroom. I stripped of my ball gown and pulled my hair out of the bun. It too me a good 10 minutes to turn on the shower and get it to the right temperature. I stepped under the warm water and rinsed my hair.

I don't know how long I stood under the water but soon it turned cold and I shut it off. Grabbing the towel I had placed aside I wrap it around my body. I walked out into my room and pulled on my outfit. (Outfit: My mother had taught me how to use a hair dryer and I plugged it in. Not bothering to use ant of the makeup she has purchased I proceded to work on my hair. When I was satisfied I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and walked out of my room. Following the sound of footsteps I found my family, only Finn remained. "Hey Finnly. Where'd everybody go?" I question, searching the room. "I don't know about Elijah and your mother, but Kol and Niklaus are drinking." He replies, sighing. "Oh and they left you." I state sitting on the arm of the sofa. "Actually, your grandmother and myself are leaving momentarily." He informs and just like that I am alone. Now what to do? A huge grin plasters itself to my face and I run into the parlor. The mahogany chest loomed in front of my and I opened it, revealing the liquor stash. I pulled out a bottle of whisky and opened it up.

By now I had gone through all of the alcohol and moved onto blood. I had the radio blasting songs I didn't know and I was dancing on the table. Then I felt something, a pain, the wind disappeared from my lungs and I was choking.I watched my hands lose all color as the veins begame pominant. Then, nothing. I saw nothing, heard nothing, but felt everything. That's when I realized only one thing could do this; a dagger. Only nobody stuck a dagger in my heart.

When I awoke I was sprawled across the floor. What the hell? The music was still traveling through the speakers and I had a half empty blood bag in my hand. I finished off the blood and stood up. There was something going on and I had no idea what it was, so I went to the first place I could think of. The Mystic Grill. I walked in and instantly caught Kol's scent. It led me out into an alley where I caught a few other scents. Nik, Elijah, and the Salvatore brothers. I quickly followed the scent of my uncles. I wasn't long before I found them in a clearing. Six torches were lit up around a circle, containg Finn and my grandmother. My three remaining uncles didn't look happy. I could tell they were arguing by the way they were positioned, so I interrupted. "What's going on?" I ask, quietly approaching them. "Ana." Finn looked regretfuland Kol glared at him. "You didn't answer my question." I reply looking at Elijah. "Nothing Anastasia, go home." He orders. Holding my ground, I don't move. Then Esther begins chanting. Stupid witches. I tried to stop her but I couldn't step inside the circle. Then she started yelling, "No sisters do not abandon me!" The torches flare up and Kol pulls me back Shielding my eyes and his own with his coat. Then it was quiet. Finn and Esther were gone as well as the flames. I ran into the old abandoned home to search but stopped when I saw Stafan and Damon. There were to woman in the back, one appeared to be dead while the other hovered above her begging her to wake up. "What happened?" I question looking at Stefan who returned the gaze. "We stopped Esther." Damon replies, reffering to the women behind them. "Why? What was Esther trying to do?" I ask curiously. " She linked all the Originals with a spell. She was trying to end the Mikaelson family." This time Stefan answers me and I look from him to Damon. "Neither of you thought to tel me this until now." I yell. Stefan just watches me while Damon smirks at me, proud. "I'm sorry Ana. I am, but we needed Klaus gone, he needed to die" Stefan apologizes. I search his eyes for something, anything. "What did my family ever do to you? What made you hate them so much?" I interrogate stepping closer. Then I notice we're alone. Huh I never noticed Damon left, let alone the witches. "Klaus is the reason my humanity is off, Elijah betrayed us, Rebekah has been destroying out lives since the moment she came back, and Kol tried to kill Matt. What reason do you have not to hate them? Klaus stored your family in boxes." He raises his voice.


I watched as she tried to find words. Suddenly feeling bad I wrapped her in a hug. "I'm sorry I asked" I whisper. Her arms wrap themselves loosly around me and I feel Something drip on my sweatshirt, tears. I look at her face, a few stray tears slide down her cheeks and she aviods my gaze. "Hey, shh. It's okay." I pull her back into a hug.

We stayed ike that for a while but eventually she pulled away. "Do you mind If I stay with you and Damon for a while?" She asks silent tears still falling from her eyes. "No you can stay with us." I reply and she nods. "Thank you. I'll go grab my things."







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