Chapter 16: Pain

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*2 months later*

Ana POV:

"Cecilia, are your things packed?" I called out through the house. "Almost done, just need to grab my hair straightener." She replied and I groaned, why did I show her how to use that? "Alright, when your done have Uncle Kol bring your things down here." I insisted, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bloodbag from the fridge. "Ew, why not go for the vein?" Kol inquired eying the bloodbag in pure disgust. "Because I'm trying to set an example for a certain twelve year old." I responded, taking another sip. "Why? It's not like she hasn't seen a vampire drink from the vein." He shrugged, walking over to the counter. "She saw YOU drink from the vein and she screamed bloody murder." I corrected, tossing out the empty bloodbag before grabbing some bread and making Cecilia some toast. "You know I fail or see your point. If Cecilia wants to be a vampire she will need to learn to feed." Kol mocks, hanging Cecilia's question in my face.


"When will you turn me Aunt Ana?" Cecilia's small voice echoed through the room. "In time, darling, you are not ready for vampirism. When the time comes, I will turn you." I replied to her question. She nodded sullenly and turned to leave the room.

*flashback end*

"That's irrelevant Kol." I hissed, taking the toast out and placing it on a plate. "Cecilia, sweety your breakfast!" I summoned the small child. Not a minute later she came trotting down the stairs dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a one shoulder sweater I had bought her. Her raven hair was pinned back in a ponytail and she had a smile on her face. She took the toast, putting some butter on it before eating happily. "Are you all packed?" I questioned, sitting at the table beside her. "Yeah, I just finished. Where are we going again?" She asked, taking another bite of her food. "Mystic Falls, it's where I grew up. It'll be fun Cecilia, don't worry." I assured, kissing her forehead before walking back over to Kol. "Go get her things, I will load the car." I planned out, not waiting for his reply.

"Welcome home, Ana." Kol smirked over at me from the driver's seat. "This is Mystic Falls?" Cecilia questioned, crinkling her small nose at all the woods. "Yes, Cecilia, but it was much nicer 1000 years ago." I mumbled the last part, looking at Cecilia with a smile. As soon as we drove into the town I recognized some of the people and waved. "Kol drop me off at The Mystic Grill, I'm sure Cecilia would like to meet some people." I insisted, shooting him a look. "Fine, but try not to be seen. We don't need anyone recognizing you, or realizing you've got a child with you. They will use her as your weakness." Kol lectured, pulling up outside the bar. "Yeah yeah. Thanks Kol, come on Cecilia." I chirped, hopping out of the car and walking around to get her before we went in the grill. "Cecilia, I need you to act like a vampire. We don't need people trying to take you. Keep you're heartbeat under control, and just go along with what I say. Alright?" I pep talked as we pushed open the doors. "Okay, Aunt Ana." She nodded, agreeing with me instantly. We walked over to a booth and slid in. The first thing I noticed was that Matt was here, and he was coming to take out order. "Hello, what can I get you two ladies?" He asked, smiling his usual smile. I had my nose stuck in a menu which made Cecilia look at me confused. "Um.. Can I get a lemonade?" She asked him, trying her best not to fidget. "Of coarse. What would you like ma'am?" He turned to me and I reluctantly lowered the menu. His face paled, and his jaw dropped noticeably. "A-Ana?" His voice came out as no more than a whisper and I shrank back. "Hi Matt. Cecilia this is a friend of mine, Matt." I introduced her and she nodded. "I am Cecilia." She smiled, looking at Matt. "How are you alive? Stefan saw you die!" Matt whisper yelled. "Magic, I had a witch put a spell on me. I needed everyone to think I was dead." I shrugged, acting like it wasn't a big deal. Matt opened his mouth to reply but was cut of by another voice. "Matt!" It was Jeremy. He ran over but stopped when his eyes landed on me. Recognition flickered through them and his eyes widened visibly. "Is that?" He whispered to Matt, who nodded. "Um... Who are you?" Cecilia questioned, pointing at Jeremy. He looked over, staring at her. "I'm Jeremy." He introduced.

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