Chapter 22: Humanity

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"She's dead."

Ana POV:

I froze. My arms falling limp at my sides as I shook. A wave of emotions came over me and I collapsed on the ground, tears welling up in my eyes.


"Ana, come here." My mother called from the hut. I giggled, running towards the sound of her voice. "Yes mommy?" I questioned, shuffling my feet. "Have you seen Uncle Kol?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, trying to contain my laughter. "Are you sure?" She pressed, not believing me. I bit my lip, struggling to hold back a grin. Mother knelt down to my level and attacked my sides with her fingers. "S-stop." I pleaded squirming in her grip. "Tell me where Kol is." She demanded, continuing her tickling. "H-he made-e me pr-promise not to t-tell you." I managed, laughing uncontrollably.


That was one of the earliest memories I had of her, I was four at the time. I felt Kol crouch beside me and I looked up at him, tears leaking from my eyes. "H-how is she dead?" I asked. Kol sighed, looking at the ground before meeting my eyes again. "Damon he... Uh he caught her by surprise... He um... He uh ripped her heart out." Kol whispered the last part, breaking eye contact. My eyes bulged and I shot up. "You're telling me you haven't killed him yet! I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind." I shrieked, stomping out of the room. Before I could reach the door someone caught my arm. I turned around and narrowed my eyes. "You." I hissed. "It was your brother that killed my mom! Is this what you couldn't tell me?" I yelled. Stefan flinched back, keeping hold of my arm. "Yes." He mumbled, nodding. I scowled at him before yanking my arm away and storming out of the house.

"Damon Salvatore!" I screamed, kicking open the door of the boarding house. "Ana what a pleasant surprise." He smirked, coming from around the corner. I marched over to him using my hand to pin him to a wall. "I should kill you." I spat, glaring at him. "Last I checked I was still alive, what's stopping you?" He questioned unfazed. "Contrary to popular belief I am in fact heartless." I growled. "Killing you would be too easy, you deserve to live every moment for the rest of your eternity in pain, unimaginable pain." I hissed, dropping him carelessly. "Why not flip the switch Ana?" Damon groaned, standing up. "No more caring, no humanity left." He continued. I scoffed, reaching for the alcohol. "For the same reason you don't. It must be hard knowing the only reason Elena loved you was the sire bond." I mocked, pouring myself a glass of scotch. "Now that I think about it, it will be much harder when you watch me rip her throat out." I taunted, sipping the glass. As if on cue Elena walked right into the room. Before Damon could react I had her neck snapped. Her body slumped to the ground and I laughed sadistically. "She's help less Damon. Nothing she can do." I lifted the body and buried my hand inside her chest. "Now give me one good reason I shouldn't throw her heart across the room." I could see Damon visibly tense and I smirked.

I strutted out of the Salvatore Boarding House with a smile on my face. As of now Damon is probably hovering over Elena's heartless body wondering why he is such a dick. His words echoed in my head 'no more caring, no humanity left'. Would it be better if I just flipped the switch and got out of town? Yes, but then there's the other part of me, the part that says it's better to feel the pain and stay in Mystic Falls with what's left of a broken family. I groaned in frustration, tugging at my hair as I walked through the woods. It would be so much easier to abandon my humanity. I stopped walking and closed my eyes.

Third Person POV:

The young Mikaelson stopped concentrating on one sole piece of herself. Her humanity. She took a deep breath and just like that Anastasia Mikaelson's emotions ceased to exist. Her eyes opened, a devious smirk dictating her lips. Then she was gone.



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