4. Birthday Invitation

781 17 5

 Word Count: 1576

 Warning: Nada

 Description: The girls were invited to a Birthday Party 


"Look we're invited to a birthday party!" Jumped Agnes, showing off the slip of paper to Gru and Lucy.

About a few minutes ago, the three girls were picked up from school. Each had their colorful book bags carried with a smile. They kept that same smile until they arrived home. Margo went to get Gru and Lucy while Agnes and Edith searched for the paper. And then Agnes cheered, saying they were invited to a birthday party.

"Wow, that's amazing!" The agent's hand collapsed each other and smirked.

"Who ez de birthday too?" The ex-villain crossed his arms.

Margo walked in front answering. "It's our friend Samantha."

"Samantha? How come I've never heard bout her?" Gru's eyes narrowed.

"Maybe, because you never asked?" Margo sassed, adjusting her glasses.

"So can we go?" The light-hearted small child asked.

"No cuz I don't know who dis 'Samantha' ez." The ex-villain turned his back and walked away.

Lucy and the girls blinked in surprise. Agnes sweet loving smile quickly turned into a frown. She pouted, trying to hold back her own tears. The redheaded glanced at little Agnes. Her eyebrows knitted and felt pity for the three. She kneeled down to meet with Agnes' brown eyes. "Don't worry girls, I'll talk to your father. For now just change out of your uniform." Her hand slipped onto Agnes' cheek. She kissed her forehead and walked up to Gru.

The agent found him talking to Dr. Nefario. She stood beside them, not interrupting their conversation. "Alright, Mr. Gru." The Doctor stated then left. Lucy made her move and lightly tapped on Gru's shoulder. He turned around.

"Gru let them go to the party, please. You should've seen how depressed they seemed." The agent's bottom lip quivered.

The ex-villain stood frozen. Not a word came out of his mouth only his eyes narrowed down at Lucy. The redheaded leaned forward, pleasing once more.

"Gru, please?" Her hands folded into one, holding them up to her chest. She looked at Gru with her somber expression. Her deep emerald pupils stared deep into Gru's, as if she was hypnotizing him. The ex-villain secretly adored when Lucy had her sad puppy-eyes on. He blinked in surprise, slipping a hand behind his neck. Sweat started to pack up in his forehead. He tried avoiding eye contact as much as he could. Let's see, he said no to party, disappointed three girls plus a woman and now his girlfriend is trying to convince him back. He felt guilty alright!

Why must you be so cute?

Gru folded his arms averting his eyes, pouting saying:

"Fine. De gurls may go to de party."

The redheaded gasped of joy, placing her hand over her mouth. She jumped to Gru giving him a warm hug and thanking him repeatedly. The ex- villain's face turned a shade of red. She felt so warm in his arms. He returned the hug with a sheepish smile.

"I'll go tell the girls." She broke the hug, looking up at his boyfriend. He nodded off and smiled. Lucy stepped on each board as it creaked, leading up to the girl's room. She grabbed the doorknob and pushed. She notices that each one of the girls had their typically worn clothes on. "Good news, your dad lets you go to the party." Shrieked the redheaded. "We can!" Gasped Agnes. The agent nodded. "Yes!" the girl in the pink beanie hat fist-pumped the air. Margo stood up from her bed walking towards Lucy. "That's great news but what are we going to bring Samantha for her birthday party?" Questioned Margo, adjusting her glasses.

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