36. The Cheesy Couple

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Gru steps up front to Lucy and takes a picture of her. Lucy's all confuse and just is like "Why did you do that?" Gru smirks, looking back at his photo. "I want tu show my mom what my new girlfriend looks like."

- "Hey wanna see something really beautiful?" Ask Gru. "What?" Answers the redheaded. Gru shows Lucy a mirror. "Yu."

- *on a date* Lucy brushes over her boyfriend's hands. They're hands embracing one another while staring deep into their eyes. Then Lucy states: "Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. And baby, I'm lost at sea."

- "See these keys..." The redheaded shakes her keys to her mini car. "Yeah?" "Well I wish I had the one to your heart" Smirks the corny agent.

- Gru peeks outside the narrow windows of his bedroom. Gray clouds were forming and the sky was cooking up a storm. "We might have tu cancel our date, it looks like its going to rain." Mumbles the ex-villain to her wife. Lucy from her bed, flipping through the pages of a magazine and states: "No wonder the sky is gray today, all the blue is in your eyes."

- Whenever Gru makes a REALLY bad joke, Lucy will always be there cracking up harder than she should

- Gru asking for a call to Lucy would be like: "My name ez Gru, but yu can call me tonight" ~

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