20. New Neighbors

444 10 4

Word Count: 821

Warning: Nope

Description: Lucy tries to impress her new neighbors 


  The engine of the truck was from a distance, alarming the redheaded in the kitchen. Recently, a western family moved in. It felt nice finally to have someone to fill in the two-year old abandoned house across the street. For the agent, it was always a tradition to greet and welcome incoming neighbors. Lucy opened the plastic box of cookie. The aroma seemed to dance around her nose, whimpering to be eaten. Instead, she neatly packed the cookies on her decorative basket. The redheaded tied a red bow at the handle. She smiled at her creation. Sure she wasn't such good of a baker, but this made the cut. With the basket hanging on her elbow she walked by Gru. "Aren't you going to welcome the neighbors?" Asked the agent. "Meh." He grunted. "Dey will hate me in e matter of eh time." The ex-villain continued. "Fine then. Where are the girls?" Lucy questioned. Gru turned, walking away. "Dey left for ballet, remember?" He shouted of the distance. It was just her for today. Lucy sighed, leaving the house with worry.

She chewed on her inner cheek while crossing the street. First impressions really wasn't her thing. But, that'll go against tradition as well. She took her last glance at her "baked" cookies, before approaching. There was no need for knocking when the whole yard was filled with men coming in and out. Lucy stood by the gates, waiting for a response. "Mama, there's ah gal waitin' by the gates!" Yelled a toddler, she also helped with the carriage. "I'm comin'!" Screamed a voice from the house. Out came out a woman who appeared younger with her youth skin. She was curved by the hips and her dirty blonde hair was curled up by her ears. She sported a tight pants that reached her hips, a blue plaid short-sleeve tucked in and perfectly carved boots. She smiled once she caught eyes with the redheaded. 

"Come in deary, ah don't bite." She said with her western accent. Lucy opened the gate and approached her neighbor. "Here." The redheaded smiled, handing down the basket. "As a welcome to this neighborhood." She explained. The blonde grasped the basket with surprise. "Well, won't ya'll look at that." She gasped at the perfectly ordered cookies. "Ah might be banded but I guess these cookies might do the job." She grabbed one of the cookies. Before she took a bite she paused. "Why, ya must apologize me. Ah didn't introduce mahself and am already grabbing a bite." Her other hand reached out. "The name's Ally." The redheaded shook her hand. "Lucy." She smiled. 

Ally's teeth sunk into the treat. Immediately, she fell in love. The flavors melted into her mouth. She ended up licking her chocolate-covered fingers. "Did ya make this?" She wondered. "Yes." Lucy lied. Ally grabbed another cookie from the basket. "If mah sweet Amber was here, she'll immediately fall in love just like me. She's a really good baker you know." Ally complimented. "Wait here." She softly said. "Samantha!" Yelled Ally. The same toddler appeared from earlier. Her features were similar to her mother, expect she wore thick round glasses. 

"Yes, mama?"

"Here. Place it ontop the table." She commanded, passing the basket to her child. "And don't ya eat them all!" She warned.

Ally turned back to the redheaded. Her lips curled into a smile. "Thank you so much, honey. You really shouldn't have." Said Ally. "Your welcome." Lucy mirrored her smile. "And please do thank your father too." Ally added. The redheaded stopped. Her smiled dropped down. "F-Father?" She asked. "Yes, oh wait. Is he your brother?" Questioned the western. The redheaded was puzzled. Her hand scratched her head. She cocked an eyebrow. "No." Lucy shook her head. "Your cousin?" She tried again. That's when the wheels started to turn. The agent snickered. "You mean Gru, my husband?" She asked.

Ally gasped, covering her mouth. "Oh my. I'm sorry. Ah didn't know he was your husband." Ally blushed by embarrassment. "It's alright. We get that a lot." She waved. The atmosphere got a bit uncomfortable, very fast. The poor western gal felt ashamed, twiddling her thumbs. While the redheaded noticed how many times this mistake happens. Especially, in public. 

"Well umm, I better get going." She nervously laughed.

"Raght, raght. See y'all umm later!" Ally waved goodbye.

Lucy dashed out. She sighed in relief. At least she made it out alive! Her hand brushed her forehead sweat. The redheaded grasped the handle of her house. The agent walked up to her bedroom. The redheaded flopped to the matress. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking. Age difference didn't matter till you reach adulthood. So why criticize them? Her body rolled over along with the blanket wrapped around her. She closed her eyes. A nap would take her mind off things for now.~

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