21. The Spy Lover| AU

466 7 2

Word Count: 2089

Warning: Angst, a lil gore (am not gonna be TOO descriptive) 

Description: AU, Gru is the spy/AVL agent while Lucy is a normal human :) 


   In the most finest black gown, Lucy waited for her blind date below the illuminating moon at a five-star restaurant. It was incredibly expensive, yet what did she had to lose. The light summer breeze blew through her natural straighten red hair. Then, back at her hanging pearl earings. She was filled with class as she waited. The rooftop was an excellent choice for this kind of date. Especially, one when their partner can take ages to arrive. The view was breath taken and its city light's were glittering. With the faint sound of cars and the light breeze felt comfortable. 

The redheaded rested her cheek against her hand. She glanced across the tables. All of them contained of two lovely couples, all but Lucy's. She sighed. "Why do you always end up on a blind date." She mumbled to herself. The redheaded stood up, playing around with straw wrapper. Her previous blind dates weren't what she'd expected it to be. It always seemed that the men she dated always had something against her. She was either too childish, happy, serious or dumb. It was impossible to brush those thoughts off. They always seem to haunt her. The redheaded ripped the wrapper in half. 

Dating was no silly game. It was serious business if you were Lucy Wilde.

"Excuse me, are yu Lucy." Asked a man. The redheaded hastily pushed her shredded wrapper away, nodding. The bald man sat in front of her. Lucy tried to catch his features but he kept on glancing around, avoiding eye contact. Goosebumps were already talking place. It felt a bit uncomfortable, but that's how blind dates usually roll out. Her mouth opened but no words came out. She was interrupted with the sound of their waitress, that caught both of their attention. "Good evening," Greeted the curvy waitress. She sported her typical uniform. But, strangely no nametag. The waitress handed two menu booklets. "Welcome to Le Cœur De Là Vié, I'll be your waitress for the evening. What would you like to drink?" She asked. "I'll have water." Lucy bumped in first. Alcohol won't be appropriate for first encounters. She learned that in the hard way. "And you sir?" She turned to the bald man. He wasn't paying attention and you could tell by the sound of uncertainty in his voice. "Eh, I-I'll get de," He glanced back again. "Same ding she ordered." He snapped back. The waitress nodded, leaving them alone.

The redheaded took no time to play around. She grasped the booklet. As she flipped through the pages, the images of food started to melt her tastebuds. She hasn't eaten till sunrise and her stomach begged for food. Once she choose, the redheaded rested her booklet down. Her eyes went up to her mute partner. Suspicious enough, his booklet stood up tall. It blocked his entire face and actions. Lucy cocked an eyebrow. So far this date was far off. Lucy's partner was lacking of attention and eye contact. Was it another thing he disliked about the redheaded?

She cleared her throat and began to talk. "So, if I remember correctly your name is Gru." Lucy stroke her chin. "Or was that your last name?" She asked herself under her breath. She brushed off her thoughts, swapping all actions. "Anyways, how are you doing tonight?" Her hands folded into one as she crossed her legs. Her eyes stared on the menu booklet, as if she was talking to it. The redheaded cleared her throat again. "Well if you ask me, am doing splendid!" She smirked. Her smile faded, knowing he wouldn't answer. 

"Excuse me, here are your waters." The waitress bumped in. The glasses of water were placed to side. She took out a mini notepad and a pen. "What would you like to feast for this evening?" She asked. "I'll get spaghetti, please." 

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