7. Stuck With You| (Part 2)

641 12 2

Word Count: 1841


Description: Gru finally tells Lucy what's the matter



The girl with the pink beanie hat nodded. As thin as the closet door was, both adult heard everything. The bald man up from the stool and walked up to the closet's door. "Yu gurls can't be joking." He said. 

"Where did you leave the key?"

 "With one of the minions." Margo face palmed herself.

 "Agnes you stay here, while Edith and I find this missing key."

 Agnes sat on the floor and replied an "ok." She observed the closet's. door and lied on her stomach. "You know if you really do get stuck in there, I'll feed you guys cereal, give you clothing and toys so you won't get bored. As long as you both give us our uniform when were going to school." Chatteted Agnes. "Ha, ok." Giggled Lucy nervously. Was this really going to happen? Oh how she hoped not!


 Meanwhile, Edith and Margo ran downstairs in search for the missing key. They searched underneath the couch and on top of the counter, if the minion placed it there. After, they tried talking to the yellow pills, not understanding their language. 

"Do you know where the key of the closet is?" Edith asked an one-eyed minion. Instead of a reply the stood still, puzzled. 

"You know a key." She signalled. The minion shooked his head. "Got any luck?" Margo asked in above Edith's shoulder. 

"Nuh uh, and you." 

"Nada." Edith was trying to dig out her eyeballs, groaning.

 "Were never gonna find that stupid key!" Edith shouted. 

"Wait. We haven't checked down in the lab, where all the other minions are." Hinted the oldest one. Edith blinked in surprise. 

Why haven't I thought of that! She grabbed her sister's hand, running to the fireplace. There, the rhino chair awaited. "Comeone, we got to get that key!" Commanded the girl with the pink beanie hat commanded. Margo walked over the rhino chair, unlocking and pressing the red button. In a blink of an eye, a blue tube appeared and swiftly opened. 

"Let's go!" Edith waved to her sister. 


While the two girls went to find the key, poor Lucy still tried to figure out what was wrong with Gru. He still sat in that stool, motionless as if nothing ever happened. His eyes glared thr ceiling and it stayed there for a while. A very long while. 

The redheaded felt like her head was super close to explode. She couldn't take this silent treatment. There was no doubt that she needed answers now. Her free hand was curled into a fist. Her head turned to Gru, glaring at his perfectly blue pupils. Oh how she remembered getting lost in them! The agent kept on chewing her cheek as she brought up the same question from before. "Gru, am sorry for asking again  I need know happening with you." Her body swiftly moved forward. 

"You got the girls worried sick. You got ME worried sick." She added. 

"Please Gru. Tell me." The agent's eyebrows were now knitted, ending her last sentence softly. The bald man sighed deeply from his corner. He felt his heart pumping out of his chest, sweat stared to form above his forehead. He was lost in his words, trying to figure out the perfect way to say it. He had no idea how he was going to break it to her. He enhaled deeply, letting words fly out his mouth.

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