16. Unexpectedly Expected| AU

576 12 3

Word Count: 1543

Warning: Light Angst 

Description: Lucy unexpectedly meets her parents, Scarlet and Herb (a Headcannon support by lots of fans)


  The redheaded layed on the couch, playing with the loose strands of hair. She's been kept out the kitchen several times. Gru and girls have pushed her out warning her it was a surprise. She heard several types of laughter, wishing she was apart of it. Lucy caught a whiff of sweet aroma from the kitchen. She caught her stomach rumbling a few times. The redheaded couldn't wait to eat the mouthwatering sweet. No doubt she had a sweet tooth. Which at times she wonders where she got it from.

Her thoughts were cut loose by the sound of thunderous banging by the door. Lucy sprung out of her seat and ran to the door. The banging continued, but even louder. The redheaded panicked. She grasped the handle, opening the door. Outside waited a middle aged couple. One of them sported a bright loose red jumpsuit with a V-neck, red circular shades and black heels. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun with some gray strands of hair peaking out. While her assuming husband had on a white polo with a jean jacket covering it, black pants and sneakers. His hair was mostly covered in gray strands but looked devine with his hair resting on his forehead. Lucy stood there, admiring there fashion. From some strange reason she felt like she knew them from somewhere. But, she couldn't put her finger on it. 

The couple rushed inside the house, bumping the clueless redheaded's shoulders. Lucy closed the door behind them. She followed their every step, still wondering who they were. Lucy kept on looking down her history. She searched for some similarity with these strangers. It involved something with her childhood. Her old and abandoned days. She blinked into reality once she cracked the code.

"Mom? Dad? W-what are you doing here?" Asked the redheaded. 

It slowly came to her. The rather small one with the bun was the well recognized villain from the 60s. Scarlet Overkill. Her partner in crime was nothing but her inventor and dorky/foxy husband. Herb Overkill. Oh, yes. They both were the definition of trouble back in the days. Nothing could stop there way. No cops, spies or other sneaky villains. Lucy's past something she's been wanting to forget. With all the switching around in orphanages and crying in the night, it was all a headache. She never knew the day when they officially reunited, till today.

The couple ignored their daughter's question. Scarlet and Herb looked out the window. Her eyes trailed from left to right, making sure it was all clear. They both nodded and turned to the redheaded. Scarlet was the first to approach her slowly. Both ladies reassembled the same height. Scarlet's hand rested on her shoulders. She stared deep into her green pupils. "It's been forever hasn't it." Her lips curled into a smile. The agent wanted to smile back, but not after they abandoned her for several years. Her thoughts on this was rather bitter. She forced a smile instead. Herb placed his lanky arm on her shoulder. "So, how has our little cupcake been?" He asked. Lucy wanted to straight up and yell how miserable she felt all those years of loneliness. Yet again, this was another encounter with her parents and maybe the last. So, she did her best to make a good impression. 

"Good." Lucy mumbled. 

"Oh that's swell. Have you grown? I don't remember you being this tall." Herb stood back, pointing at her daughter. "Babe, do you remember?" He turned to his wife. 

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