17. A Childhood Blur

577 9 4

Word Count: 1401

Warning: Nothing

Description: Gru and Lucy look at each other's old photo album


 Lucy grunted as she carried the boxes behind her back. Her feets dragged themselves till she landed in Gru's living room. At the moment, her soon-to-be husband's living room had all types of boxes scattered. Boxes that contained all of the redheaded's personal stuff from her abandoned apartment. It took all morning to transport a quarter of her stuff. Thanks to Gru and the girls, they made transportation a breeze. Nevertheless, the boxes and bags weighed nearly a ton. Furniture was another big deal. Tv's, couches, chair's, etc. They were all scattered around. With the entrance of Gru's place wide open and the truck waiting outside made things easy too. Sure the living room looks like a hot mess, but once everything has successfully entered, it'd be the most amazing and stylish house ever. Lucy guaranteed it.

The redheaded wasn't a boastful person, but she managed to handle four boxes at once. The ex-villain kept on warning her to carry less. Ignorantly, she kept on walking away with four boxes or more. She tried to convey how tough she is rather than how she looks. Her lanky body was definitely no match for how buff she was. 

It was the last couple of boxes that she carried before another break. This time, Lucy shifted three boxes stacked on top of each other to her lanky arms. The pathway wasn't clear. She tried looking at the sides, but it wasn't much help. The redheaded chewed on her inner cheek. She cautiously walked at a steady pace. Her eyes hastily glanced left and right. Her eyes met up with the crocodile printed couch. With ease, she centered the boxes down. She leaned against it. Lucy sighed in relief, whipping her forehead sweat. As she moved out of her recent spot, the boxes splattered to the ground. Luckily, the two boxes were sealed perfectly, while the other spilled out books. The agent knelt down picking her equipment off the floor. Soon, she'd noticed another helping hand. 


Lucy simply blushed on how helpful he was. While, stuffing the box, the redheaded's eyes caught a thick book. The front page was colored in a faint pink, with flowers in each corner and faded/scratched stickers. Lucy observed the book carefully. The amount of dust hinted how untouched it has been. It seemed to also survive the trip with its conditions. But what stumbled the redheaded was how she'd never seen this book before. Lucy brushed off the amount of dust that it contained. The dust particles flew away, revealing words. In big bold and black cursive letters, it read, "Photo Album."

"Vat's dat yu got dere?" Gru asked before tapping the box with clear plastic tape. Lucy blinked back to reality. She stood up with the album embraced. "That was my last box. Tell the girls to come back inside." Directed the redheaded, ignoring her recent question. 

Lucy walked over to the kitchen counter. The album was shifted in front of her. The palm of her hand pressed her cheek, as she scanned through the cover. She hasn't seen old photos of herself since forever. She forgot her childish features. 

The edgy agent admired the cover. The silly characters stickers somehow reminded her about her personality. They were bright, sparkly and blasted with colors. If she'd only took care of her only photo album they wouldn't be so faded and any scratches. 

"Where's the ice cream sandwiches, Lucy?" Asked Margo.

"In there." Lucy pointed at the freezer. The eldest tippy-toed, grabbing three ice creams. She offered one to their soon-to-be mother. But, the redheaded shook her head. The girls dashed out to their room.

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