6. Stuck With You| (Part 1)

719 12 12

Word Count: 1341

Warning: No

Description: Gru and Lucy get trapped in the girl's closet 


The sun rays beamed as it rose up from the horizon and stomachs were already being filled with pancakes. As the usual, the girls went straight to their bedroom to play with their toys. Which made the house as a quiet a feather passing by. But somehow laughter and talking took place in the living room. It was a quiet for a couple of seconds, but the sound increased each minute. Gru started to get ticked by this noise. He stood up from his rhinoceros-printed chair and walked to the living room. Just as he arrived he saw his girls with Lucy, Lucy Wilde. The table was flooded with a board game and its pieces that followed it. The girls stopped chattering and look up at the ex-villain.

"When did yu come here?" He pointed at the redheaded.

She opened her mouth but was interrupted by Margo. "We wanted her to come over." She explained.

"Vell don't bring anyone in de house without my permission." Gru crossed his arms.

"But it's Lucy. You know her." The girl with glasses replied.

"I said you can't bring anyone without my permission. Period" His tone was a slightly firm this time.

Margo blinked in surprise, unknowing how strict Gru can be. She turned back to the game, mentally rolling her eyes. "Do you wanna play with us?" Agnes asked, brightening the mood. The ex-villain glanced down at the youngest child then back to the board game and replied with a solid "no." His arms were being shoved in his pockets and turned around, leaving the room. Agnes sighed miserably and pouted.

"Ugh. He's been acting like this since yesterday." Edith's palm was placed underneath her chin, looking at the Agent.


"Yeah. We wanted to talk to him but he kept on pushing us out of his way." The girl with the pink beanie hat swiftly moved her hands as if she was slapping the air. "Do you think I should talk to him to make it better?" She questioned. "You can try, but I don't think it's going to work," Margo said adjusting her glasses. Lucy stood up and walked past the kitchen while the girls were figuring out what made Gru ignore them. The three of them huddled up a bit closer to each other.

"Maybe it's about Lucy. Maybe they had a fight or something." Agnes said, holding onto her unicorn plush a bit tighter to her chest.

"If they had a fight then Lucy would also get angry." Edith whispered-shouted.

"Or maybe its about Lucy but they didn't fight," Margo suggested. "Well, then how are we going to fix that?" Asked Edith. "Simple, we get them both in a close atmosphere and they would make up." The girl with glasses explained.

"Eww...make out!" Edith said slowly.

"No, make up." She stated.

"Why would they want to put makeup on?" Agnes leaned forward, confused.

"No, I mean 'make up' as in- nevermind."

"Alright, so this is what were going to do.." After a while planning, Lucy came in just in time. Her face hinted that she didn't help Gru from his distress, instead, she seemed hopeless. A frown was placed on her face as she slouched a bit when walking to the girls. Just before she was going to talk, Margo and Edith welcomed the redheaded to this new "room" which is, in reality, was a huge walk in closet up in their room.

"Look it's very nice isn't it?" Edith and Margo walked in.

"This looks awful a lot of clothing to be in one room." Lucy scratched her chin. The oldest one looked at Edith with a nod, proceeding with their next step.

"Hey, do you hear that Edith? I think someone is calling us." Margo acted.

"Well, we better get going, bye!"

Edith and Margo quickly ran out the closet, securing it with a look from the outside. The agent ran up to the door of the closet but it was locked. "Umm... girls, I think you locked me here by mistake!" Shouted Lucy. The two girls walked out the room snickering, waiting for the younger sibling with their father.

Downstairs, Agnes was (fake) weeping at Gru saying her unicorn plush was lost in the closet. "Come on Gru! I need my plushie. Or else-*hick* or else I'll cry forever and never stop bothering you!" She cries out.

Her whined started to progressively get louder and louder. "Ok! Ok. I'll go get it." Without doubting herself, Agnes leads his dad to the closet and let him in. Just as his whole body was inside, she locks the closet and her sisters joined her.

"Wait, vat! Gurls why is de door locked?!" He exclaimed.

"You to need to talk face-to-face until everything is solved out." Answered Margo.

The ex-villain slowly turned to meet eyes with Lucy. The agent wished to see a smile from Gru just like the old days, but the only expression was a blank stare. She licked her lips and sat down on the bare floor, crossing her legs and placing the palm of her hand to her chin. Gru mirrored her actions but grabbed a nearby stool and sat down. The silence was being heard. Just Silence. On the other side, the three girls leaned slightly forward pressing their ears to the wooden door. The looked at each other, confused.

"Maybe they need to be alone," Margo suggested, all three girls walked out the room.

"So now that there talking we can do anything we want!" Edith's fist pumped the air.

"Yeah!" Squealed the youngest.

"Come on let's eat some Fruity Pebbles with Strawberry icecream, Margo." Edith jumped. The oldest kept on studying the door to their room constantly. "What's wrong?" Asked Edith.

"Am worried about them." She spoke.

"Worried? Who cares about the-" "You don't understand Edith!" Margo grasped Edith's shoulder. "If they can't make up then they'll break up, then Gru would be lonely for the rest of his life and we might not have an amazing mother anymore!" She added.

"No mom?!" Wimped Agnes.

Margo nodded.

"Well, when you put it that way I guess it's pretty scary." The middle child scratched her head. "Why don't we just go grab a snack and relax," Edith added a smile. The girls walked downstairs to the kitchen where Edith gave the key to one of the minions and ate some Fruity Pebbles with Strawberry icecream.

Meanwhile, the redheaded and the ex-villain were still dead silent. "I didn't know the girls had a closet." Lucy abruptly said. "Vell were else would dey put der clothes in?" His firm tone came back again. Lucy gulped down and started to sweat a bit. Never in her life has she felt uncomfortable next to her boyfriend. She felt her insecurities impacting.

"So..." She scratched her head. "It feels weird that the girls locked us up in this beautiful walk-in closet. As if we were some caged animals!" The agent laughed awkwardly until she met the dead eyes of her boyfriend's and coughed, disgusting her laugh. Now she felt sweat packing up her forehead. "Is it me or is it getting hot in here?" She fanned herself. No answer from Gru. She sighed deeply having no choice but to ask. "Umm, do you wanna tell me what-"No am alright."He interrupted.

The redheaded slipped her hands around herself, staring at the floor. Suddenly, footsteps were being heard louder and louder. The creek of the door opened from their room. "Alright, I'm pretty sure you two made up by now," Margo said through the closet.

 "I wish!" Thought Lucy.

 "Ok give me the key Edith."Margo's hand reached out. "What key?" 

"The key to open the closet of course!" 

"About that..." Edith backed away.

To be continued...

A/N:  Muahahahaha!! I left you at a cliffhanger!! I mean you could probably tell with the "Part 1"... Oh well, STAY TUNE For Part 2!! (It's where all the fluff starts happening)

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