19. Pillows

485 10 2

Word Count: 509

Warning: Nothing! :D

Description: The girls build a pillow fort 


  Lucy's typical bed routine: brush her teeth, change into her pj's and lay in bed until her husband arrives. It was a custom to do this by now. Another well known custom was sleeping in Gru's bed. His mattress was like sleeping in heaven. The way the bed softly sinks down to your touch warmed the redheaded. She pulled the covers to her knees and grabbed her novel by the nightstand. Lucy wasn't a bookworm, but reading was a pleasant way to spend her time. All lights were blacked out except for the agent's lamp. Her lamp dimmed her side of the bed. Her warm tea from earlier caused her eyes to droop. A yawn escaped from her tired lips. Luckily, Gru walked in. He settled next to his wife. The ex-villain pecked a few kisses, making the redheaded giggle. At the end, they slept in each other's arms.

It wasn't until she woke up in the middle of the night. Her limbs were scattered everywhere. For example, her leg rested on of Gru's and her face was far from his. The redheaded was facing the edge of the bed. Her snoring wasn't that major unlike her drooling. Lucy opened an eyelid when she felt a tug at her pillow. Each pull she groaned. When the redheaded successfully woke up, she stared at the figure up ahead. It was the youngest child. "A-Agnes? What are you doing here? It's midnight!" Asked Lucy. "Were building a pillow fort." Whispered Agnes, with a cushion wrapped around her arms. "Wanna join?" She questioned. 


Gru woke up by the usual sunrise. He rubbed his rusty eyes. His hand reached over to his wife's side, but he found it empty. Nevertheless, her faint aroma was reached. She'd never leave without him knowing. He also found the comforter missing. Before leaving his room, he tied his robe and slipped on his slippers. His legs sluggishly walked up to his daughter's bedroom. But, their door was wide open and empty. His hand reached the back of neck, scratching. Next, he walked downstairs. He suggested coffee might cure his sudden blindness. As he entered the kitchen, he spoted Lucy asleep with their daughters around her. Their he found the comforter along with other pillows. They were pilled up into a pillow fort. 

"Yu all got me scared for e second." He sighed in relief. "Mind if I join in?" He asked. They nod.

Gru kneels down, crawling his way in. As he crawls inside, he bumped into one of the cushions. They cushion fell along with the rest of the pillow. "Awwww man!" Edith jumped. "Sorry." He innocently smiles. Gru grabs the pillow up. "Leave it." Commanded the redheaded. He dropped it and crawled up to his lovely family. He nested between his wife and daughters. They've spent majority of the morning cuddling and chatting. Margo ignorantly slept through half of it. It was a well spent nap until the afternoon crept up.~

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