Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Lana or that it at least what the animals named me. I 16 and I grew up on an island. I am also known as the island princess.

I live with Tigra the tiger, co-coa the monkey, and aqua the Dolphin which are all animals. They been teaching me how to climb trees, hunt for food, and how to swim and hold my breath for a very long time.

Everything I know I have learned from them. I am the only human on the island. I don't know why or how I got on this island but all I know that my family is Tigra, co coa, and Aqua.

This morning I went out to the beach to swim with aqua. I am where a long white raged dress I found in the box Tigra found when she found me. I wore a flower hat I made with flowers and vines like I all was do.

"Hi aqua!!!" I heard aqua calling for me to get into the water. I quick a rock in the middle of the flower hat and rested it on the ground. I was storming into the water. in about 40 seconds I was in the coral reef with aqua. We swam around look for shells. We found a lot.

After that I went back to the surface. Said my good byes and left to help co-coa. When I got to our jungle house (it's like a tree house but in the jungle) I had to help co-coa out with food. I grabbed my basket and head out to grave some fruit.

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