Piece By Piece

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"What do you mean you came back for me?" He questioned me as he blushed. I just chuckled and leaned in to whisper.

"Well, it seems you played me better then you think. I fell for you... hard. Now I'm going to make you fall for me too." I grin.

"Like that'll happen." He scoffed.

"Well it has happened to a lot of straight guys."

"Well, not me." He crossed his arms and moved away from me making me chuckle and lean back. He really is so sure but little does he know I mean what I say and I won't stop until he falls for me. I got out of my seat grabbing my drink.

"Well I need to get home. It was nice meeting you Jaime. Oh, and Will?"

"What?" He replied coldly.

"Tell me... was it fun?" I gave him a questioning look.

"Was what fun?"

"Was it that fun to watch me break?" I spoke softly not getting a reply. I saw his brows furrow and his eyes close to show he knew what he did. He hated the thought and I was glad. I changed a lot, I built myself back up piece by piece and now I am going to make sure they know what they did and that they never do it again. I ruffled Jamie's hair before I headed to the exit and glanced over my shoulder to make sure Will was still thinking about what he did then I grinned and left.

My pants were dry now so I didn't have to walk with that on my butt. Once I walked in my house Danny glomped me with his small 8 year old body. I really did miss him. I bent down to pick him up and walked toward the kitchen where my mother was.

"Hey sweetheart. I'm making your favorite, breakfast for dinner." She smiled brightly causing me to smile back.

"Thanks mom. You didn't have to do that." I smile.

"I know but I can't help it. I've missed you so much and now my baby is home all grown up." She started crying tears of joy as I set Danny down to hug her properly. "Please don't ever leave again."

"I won't." I smiled softly kissing her head and tightening my grip around her. She did the same before pulling back to what she was doing.

"Take Danny out front and play some lacross with him or something. He missed you very much also." She smiled wiping away the tears.

"Okay." I reply as I walk out with Danny.


"Yes Danny?"

"My friend said you're a faggot... what does that mean?" Danny asks suddenly shocking me.

"Who told you that?" I ask hiding my temper.

"Well, he isn't my friend really... he stopped hanging out with me when you left. But he kept telling me you're a faggot... what does that mean?"

"It's nothing but it is a very bad word. I need this friends name." I say trying to hide my frustration and anger. 'How the fuck does a kid his age know these words, and about me? Most of all who the fuck is the little shit head that told my innocent little brother that?!'


"I'm curious but does Chase have an older brother?"

"Yeah, Liam." He said bluntly looking up with his big green eyes meeting my light blue ones. I felt anger rush through me and I yanked Danny inside the house.

"Tell mom I'll be back soon. Alright?"

"Okay! Wait are you coming back?" He asked a bit worried.

"Of course." I kiss his head and ruffle his hair then walked to Liam's house. When I arrived I walked up the porch and rang the doorbell. It took a few minutes before someone answered the door. Liam.

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