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I woke up next to a sleeping Danny. I looked his nose over seeing a dark bruise forming on his pale skin. Kids these days are getting taught garbage and becoming a whole new definition of a brat. I felt the need to do something about it but I knew that my brother's battles are not meant for me. I wasn't going to be at his side 24/7 so he'd have to fight his own battles. Plus there was nothing I could do. They're all in this on their own.

I slowly lifted myself up to go get a drink from the kitchen. My socks sliding on the wooden floors with ease. I open the fridge grabbed some orange juice and poured some in a glass. I remember doing this at my dads house for the first time and found mostly soda, milk and water to choose from. It made me get depressed not for the absence of my orange juice but because it became real. I was actually no longer living with my mom and brother.

I took a big sip of it setting it down on the counter gently and let a sigh slip through my lips.

"Good morning sweetie." My mom said softly walking into the kitchen in her silk floral robe and fuzzy green socks. Her hair was up in a messy bun with a few strands hanging in the front due to falling out of the buns restraint. My mom was honestly the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Her stunning blue eyes and tanned skin clashed in the most beautiful way. Her hair was a dark sandy blonde color with a few blonde highlights peeking through. I never will understand how my father left her for that other woman. My mom was way better.

"How did you and your brother sleep?" She asked yawning and pouring in her freshly made coffee in a dark red mug.

"Good." I replied staring down at my juice. She leaned her back against the counter I had settled my palms on and stared at me as if to make sure I was being honest.


"Nothing just wondering how you're able to hide your emotions the way you do." She said before sipping her coffee.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I chuckle.

"It is and you know it." She sighed. I knew she was right but right now I don't want her to know my feelings.

"Well I should probably get ready for school." I said closing my eyes as I took in a deep breath and pushed myself off the counter.

I didn't feel like doing anything special with my outfit so I grabbed some black sweatpants and a red long sleeve then slipped on some brown slippers. I liked these colors together for some reason. Anyway I finished getting ready then grabbed my book bag and headed to school.

If I'm being honest every time I enter a school I have this immediate desire to punch someone and go home. I put some headphones and pressed shuffle. The first song was Buried Alive by Get Scared and God I wanted to headbang so bad. I'm kidding of course headbanging's not my thing, tried it once and that brought some bad neck pain and an awful headache. I liked listening to loud music though it helped block out any thoughts or people's voices. I roamed through the halls unnoticed thankfully until BAM.

"What's your problem?!" Liam yelled shoving me against the locker. I just cocked my head to the side staring blankly at him. Though I was quite humored by this on the inside. "What the hell did you say to my brother, he fucking cried his ass off last night!"

"Okay 1, hands off me Odell and 2, I taught your brother right from wrong." I spoke calmly as I waited for him to remove his hands. He didn't instead he gripped my shoulder tightly and brought his other hand back to punch me. So I ducked right before his hand hit my face and collided with the locker. I sighed as he groaned in pain. "Your brother hurt mine, that's why I stepped in."

"That's my job-"

"Damn fucking right it is but you haven't been teaching him anything but how to get away with hurting people." I scolded.

"You don't even fucking know me!" He spat before throwing another punch which I dodged again.

"I do. I know you more then anyone here does. I know you beat a kid up almost to death and I know about the little dare. I know this because I am the person you did this to and I'm the person who wants to end you most."

"What are you talking about now bastard?" He said grabbing my shirt.

"Bastard? Well that's a new one. I thought I was a faggot." I chuckled.

"The fuck are you going on about you damn freak?!" He started pulling me up by my shirt.

"I'm the faggot. The one your best friend fucked!" I laughed as I saw Will walk out of a class looking at us.

"I don't know who you are!" Liam shouted but deep down I knew he knew. He was about to punch me when Will jumped in.

"Liam!" He shouted. I saw Liam's fist stop and his head shot in Will's direction.

"What do you want?" He growled. Will seemed hesitant at first but if he was going to be a good guy now was the time to show it.

"Uhh just wanted to see if you're still going to that party later." He said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah whatever." Liam said before drawing his attention back at me. "Now where were we."

"You were about to let me down before I kick your ass." I smiled.

"In your dreams loser." He laughed which set off a switch within me. I kicked his shin then grabbed his wrist pulling his hand off my shirt and out of the way so I can head but him. He fell with a grunt and glared at me as I squated down in front of him.

"I have dreamt about this actually. Only difference between now and 2 years ago is that I win." I smirked seeing his jaw clench. "You're the real loser. You beat me then left me for dead. As if that wasn't enough for you sick freaks you sent nude pictures around the whole school! Only the lowest piece of scum would do that. But congratulations you created the new me and now I'm as blood thirsty as you are."

"I told you I don-"

"Know who I am. But you will. Until then teach your brother the words 'I'm sorry' instead of faggot." I spoke with such a threatening tone I couldn't tell what I myself was willing to do. I glanced over at Will before smiling innocently. "Will be a doll and help your friend off the floor."

Then I walked away smirking to myself before plugging in my earbuds to continue listening to Get Scared.


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