It Happened Again

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I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and felt my heart start pounding from just a glance. My face heated up as he laughed making his Adam's apple move in the most sexy way. He'd just look down at me and smile. It was at that moment I knew I loved him with all my heart. I wrapped my arms around his neck as if to prevent him from ever leaving me. But like in all these dreams he did. His smiling face slowly distorted into a monsters, laughing in the scariest way. That laugh was the realist part of this nightmare and that's what freaked me out. His hand reached out to grab my neck when suddenly...

I woke up in a cold sweat. I caught my breath as I realized I was just in my Chem class and Aria was shaking me awake.

I glanced up at her worried face and shook my head muttering, "I'm alright." I collected my things and walked to lunch with Aria following behind. I didn't like being in crowds too much but I'm better with them then I used to be so I can remain calm.

"So...what was that in class back there, you were sweating a lot and mumbling weird things." Aria suddenly spoke. I looked at her then back to the line of people in front of me.

"Same old dream. Nothing to worry about." I shot her a quick smile and patted her back which didn't seem to convince her but I guess that's what makes her a good friend.

"Alex, it didn't seem like a normal-"

"Let's just let it go for now, hmm?" I guess she got the message cause she let out a sigh and nodded. I know she's just worried but these nightmares were nothing new and not something I liked discussing. I moved along with the line grabbing an apple and water since I lost my appetite back there. I saw Will and Liam talking over with the guys at the table glancing at me when they thought I wasn't looking. If I had to guess they were planning an attack but that's okay because that's exactly what I want. I smirked to myself and continued on with my lunch.

Once lunch was over Aria walked with me to my next class looking at me curiously, "What's up with you? You've been smirking since lunch." I shook my head and chuckled to myself. She probably wouldn't understand why I think of this as a good thing because like my mom she'd be worried. They just don't know what I'm capable of so they worry about my well being rather then others. I didn't just play sports and work out. I've fought a lot too and almost crossed the line in the process but that's not something I'm going to get into just yet. The only person that knows everything about me and these incidents is probably Erick or my step brother.

On the way to class I saw Will flirting with some girl by the lockers but ignored it. I couldn't let that effect me or I'd get hurt again both mentally and physically. So I kept walking with a smirk planted firmly on my lips.

The day went on the same as usual but when it was time for gym I ran into a bit of trouble. Swimming. Fuck.

I of course knew how to swim but my torso had a lot of scars on it now. I did say there were some close calls earlier, yes? So I got these scars from previous fights with weapons involved like crowbars, knifes and once even a gun. No I didn't start these fights nor go looking for a fight but my step brother was mixed in with a gang so he had enemies in many places. At first I was just their punching bag but then took some classes and learned a thing or two from my step brother. After a year of body building and training I was pretty good but made some mistakes thus why I have many scars. I didn't want to advertise it but I knew I'd have to sooner or later. My mom doesn't know yet since I knew she'd flip.

I open my gym locker and stare at the swimsuit debating if I should participate or not. I changed into the swim trunks and kept my long sleeve on in hopes they'd let it slide for today. I walked over to where the other students were and waited for the teacher to finish roll call. Among those students were none other then the devils themselves, Liam and Will. That made this even more fun. I also saw one of my old friends Sadie chatting away with her new possey. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I looked to see Aria here too. I grinned at her and started chatting away.

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